(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 潘炳国 班晓旭)2022年9月9日, 北京的秋天色彩斑斓, 红叶让人赏心悦目, 美好的心情、美好的景色。在这样一个微风徐徐的金秋夜晚, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕、中外新闻社执行社长刘登臣、中外新闻社副社长王发龙、班晓旭、首席翻译孟庆玺等应斯洛伐克驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下邀请, 前往大使官邸出席庆祝斯洛伐克共和国宪法日和建军节及陈兆娟画展等系列活动活动。
On September 9, 2022, Beijing's autumn is colorful with red leaves pleasing people’s eyes. Everyone enjoys a good mood with beautiful sceneries. On such a breezy golden autumn night, at the invitation of the Slovakian Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella, President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan, Executive Director Mr. Liu Dengchen, Deputy Director Mr. Wang Falong and Mr. Ban Xiaoxu, and Chief Translator Mr. Ryan Meng came to the ambassador's residence to attend the celebration events of the Constitution Day and Defense Forces Day of the Slovak Republic and Chen Zhaojuan's Painting Exhibition.
出席活动的大使有:斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下, 美国驻华大使尼古拉斯•伯恩斯阁下, 亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、牙买加驻华大使丘伟基阁下、克罗地亚驻华大使达里欧•米海林阁下、捷克驻华大使佟福德阁下、拉脱维亚驻华大使玛雅•马尼卡女士、新加坡驻华大使吕德耀阁下, 毛里求斯驻华大使王纯万阁下、奥地利驻华大使利肯阁下、黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔阁下、泰国驻华大使阿塔育•习萨目阁下, 印度尼西亚驻华大使周浩黎阁下, 西班牙驻华大使拉法埃尔•德斯卡亚阁下,斯洛文尼亚驻华大使苏岚女士, 法国驻华大使罗梁阁下, 墨西哥驻华大使施雅德阁下, 希腊驻华大使乔治•伊利奥普洛斯阁下, 格鲁吉亚驻华大使阿尔赤•卡岚第亚阁下, 汤加驻华大使陶阿伊卡•乌塔阿图阁下及欧洲多国驻华使馆的武官等。
The attending foreign diplomats included: the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to China H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella, Ambassador of United States to China H.E. Mr. Nicholas Burns, Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian, Ambassador of Jamaica to China H.E. Mr. Antonia Hugh, Ambassador of Croatia to China H.E. Mr. Dario Mihelin, Ambassador of Czech Republic to China H.E. Mr. Vladimír Tomsík, Ambassador of Latvia to China H.E. Mrs. Maija Manika, Ambassador of Singapore to China H.E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of Mauritius to China H.E. Mr. Alain Wong Yen Cheong, Ambassador of Austria to China H.E. Dr. Andreas Riechen, Ambassador of Lebanon to China H.E. Mrs. Milia Jabbour, Ambassador of Thailand to China H.E. Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot, Ambassador of Indonesia to China H.E.Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of Spain to China H.E.Mr. Rafael Dezcallar de Mazarredo, Ambassador of Slovenia to China H.E.Mrs. Alenka Suhadonik, Ambassador of France to China H.E.Mr. Laurent Bili, Ambassador of Mexico to China H.E.Mr. Jesús Seade, Ambassador of Greece to China H.E.Mr. Georgios Iliopoulos, Ambassador of Georgia to China H.E.Mr. Archil Kalandia, Ambassador of Tonga to China H.E.Mr. Tauaika Utaatu, many Defense Attachés from European embassies in China and others.
首先斯洛伐克驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下致欢迎辞。他说, 我很荣幸欢迎各位来到斯洛伐克驻华大使馆, 与大家一同庆祝斯洛伐克共和国宪法日和建军节。
Firstly, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to China H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella delivered a welcome speech, he said that it is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the Slovakian Embassy in China to celebrate the Constitution Day and Defense Forces Day of the Slovak Republic together.
在斯洛伐克的历史中, 1992年9月1日和1848年9月22日是两个尤为重要的日子。1992年9月1日, 在捷克斯洛伐克联邦和平解体之后, 斯洛伐克民族委员会通过了现行宪法。斯洛伐克共和国宪法, 制定在1989年“天鹅绒革命”之后, 至今, 仍是斯洛伐克作为一个独立现代国家的基石。宪法的建立是斯洛伐克走向独立国家, 关键的一步。
The 1st September 1992 and the 22nd September 1848 feature among the most significant dates in the Slovak history. The first of these is the day when the Slovak National Council, following the decision on the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia, adopted the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. The Constitution remains the cornerstone of our modern statehood and builds on the legacy of the Velvet Revolution of November 1989. Its adoption was an important step towards the creation of an independent Slovak Republic.
我们纪念这个日子, 是对塑造我们国家性质的基本原则、价值观、自由和权利的再一次重申。这些于一个自由、民主和成功的国家至关重要。
We commemorate this anniversary also in order to reflect again on the principles, values, basic freedoms and rights that determine the character of our state. They are essential for the proper functioning of a free, democratic and successful country.
斯洛伐克在其宪法中也体现了——在尊重国际法规则和义务基础上, 维护世界秩序的原则。在过去的三十年里, 斯洛伐克通过其外交工作在世界各地一直倡导这些原则。
In its constitution, Slovakia has already signed up to the principles of a world order based on respect for the rules and obligations arising from international law. It is precisely these principles that Slovak diplomacy has been promoting in the world for 30 years.
过几天, 我们将迎来斯洛伐克与中国建交73周年。自中斯建交以来, 两国与其人民一直保持发展友好关系, 并在诸多领域中寻求合作。
In a few days we will mark the 73rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Slovak Republic and the People’s Republic of China. Since that time, Slovak and Chinese people has been developing mutual friendships and our countries built lasting friendly relations and versatile cooperation.
中斯两国的友好合作关系生机勃勃, 历久弥新, 中捷友谊农场就是一个例证, 它也将迎来其成立66周年纪念日。1956年, 捷克斯洛伐克赠予彼时成立不久的中国人民共和国670台农业机械设备, 在当时, 渤海区域那片贫瘠的土地上, 两国之间的友谊开始熠熠生辉。中捷农场的劳动人民们几十年来的辛勤的努力和坚持不懈的决心, 为这座城市的繁荣发展奠定了坚实的基础。
The living and blooming example of this enduring friendship and collaboration is Sino-Czechoslovak Friendship Farm, which will soon mark its 66th anniversary. This shining symbol of our amity came to existence on barren lands of Bohai region in 1956, when Czechoslovakia assisted the newly established People's Republic of China with 670 sets of agricultural machinery. Over the decades, thanks to the hard work and determination of its farmers, the Sino-Czechoslovak Friendship Farm created foundation for a flourishing city of Zhongjie.
我们坚信, 中斯两国70多年的友好合作关系必定让未来两国友好合作硕果累累。去年, 斯洛伐克与中国之间的对外贸易达到近84亿欧元, 斯洛伐克对中国的出口上升至22.5亿欧元。
It is our belief that more than seven decades of friendship and cooperation is a very solid basis for another decades of amicable and results-driven cooperation between our countries. Foreign trade between Slovakia and China reached almost 8.4 billion euros last year, while Slovak exports to China rose to 2.25 billion euros.
斯洛伐克是一个现代化、充满活力的国家, 拥有先进创新型经济、令人钦佩的文化和历史以及迷人的自然景观。十多年来, 斯洛伐克一直是该地区经济发展最快的国家, 曾冠名为“塔特拉之虎”, 源自当地塔特拉山脉。斯洛伐克经济增长的主要动力来自于出口、稳定的外国投资流入, 同时得益于加入欧盟和欧元区。
Slovakia is a modern vibrant country with advanced innovative economy, admirable culture and history, as well as glamorous nature. The Slovak economy has been the fastest growing in the region for more than a decade and used to be referred to as the "Tatra Tiger", which is derived from the local Tatra Mountains. The major drivers of Slovak economic growth are exports, a stable inflow of foreign direct investment and membership in the EU and the euro area.
大使说, 现在请将目光转移到这些令人印象深刻的画作上, 这些画作出自陈兆娟女士之手, 大家可以享受这场艺术盛宴。
The ambassador also said, now please turn your attention to these impressive paintings around us, those tiger paintings are created by Mrs. Chen Zhaojuan. Everyone can enjoy this artistic feast.
欣赏完书画展, 贵宾们步入大使官邸后花园, 这里清凉、幽绿, 夜色迷人, 空气清新, 好像一个天然大氧吧,有花、有草, 还有小树,还会闻到阵阵的花香, 各位使节、嘉宾三五成群。中外新闻社总裁韦燕同各国大使品着美酒, 吃着烤肉, 友好交流。中外新闻社高层同各国贵宾度过了一段难忘时光……
After appreciating the painting exhibition, all guests entered the backyard garden of the ambassador's residence. It was a cool and green garden with charming night and fresh air. It was like a natural oxygen bar. There were flowers, grass, and small trees. The envoys and guests were chatting with each other while enjoying the delicious barbeque dinner. Senior executives of Home and Abroad News Press and distinguished guests from various countries spent an unforgettable time together...