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Home and Abroad New Press Ambassadors Club -- Diplomats Moon Festival Party

时间:2022-9-18 9:28:20



    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘登臣 胡树萌 刘德山 班晓旭 陈熹 潘炳国)9月10日晚,在“十五的月亮十五圆”的时刻,中外新闻社大使俱乐部在北京花园里C003顶层花园举办外交官中秋赏月晚会。来自欧洲、亚洲、北美洲、非洲的斯洛伐克、牙买加、斯里兰卡、吉尔吉斯坦、孟加拉国、乌拉圭、马耳他、阿塞拜疆、多哥的驻华大使、副大使、商务参赞、文化参赞等外交官汇聚一堂,共赏中国一轮明月。晚上20:15分,使节们看到红色的月亮从地平线缓缓升起,又圆又红,不约而同惊呼:“中国的月亮比我们的大……”
    On the evening of September 10, at the moment of "the fullest moon of the year", Home and Abroad New Press Ambassadors Club held a Moon Festival Party for foreign diplomats at the C003 top garden of the Beijing Garden. Diplomats from Europe, Asia, North America and Africa, including Slovakia, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Uruguay, Malta, Azerbaijan, Togo and many ambassadors, deputy ambassadors, commercial counselors, cultural counselors and other diplomats gathered together to enjoy a bright moon in this Chinese traditional festival. At 8:15 in the evening, all guests saw the red full moon slowly rising from the horizon, and they all expressed that China's moon is bigger than ours…


    As the saying goes, everything in the world is brought together by affinity. Since 2011, ambassadors from 119 countries in China have become “Home and Abroad News Press – the News Person of the Year”. Home and Abroad New Press Ambassadors Club was officially established in September 2020.  The Club has become an open, diverse and positive-energized gathering platform for further enhancing mutual trust and good neighborliness.

    The moon is full in the sky, and the people are reunited on earth. When the Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) comes again, the whole land of China is filled with a festive atmosphere of happiness and reunion. Sweet moon cakes, wonderful folk customs, warm blessings... people spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together in laugh and joy for their great reunion. The Moon Festival Party is another activity to share traditional Chinese culture following Home and Abroad New Press Ambassadors Club party for the Lantern Festival in February this year.


    With the strong atmosphere of Chinese culture, the ambassadors of the three countries delivered speeches: His Excellency Mr. Dusan Bella, the Honorary Chairman of Home and Abroad New Press Ambassadors Club and Ambassador of Slovakia to China, said that the moon is very special tonight. I would like to thank Mrs. Wei Yan, President of Home and Abroad New Press and Chairman Han Ye, who let us enjoy the feeling of "being home" thousands of miles away from our countries. Today is the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. We are enjoying food, wine, moon cakes, listening to beautiful violin music and watching the red moon in the sky. Everything is a very pleasant thing for me and my wife. Please raise your glasses to celebrate and toast to everyone's beautiful tomorrow!


    At the "BBQ Whole Lamb Ceremony", Ambassador Dusan Bella held a sheep knife and first cut a "cross" on the lamb’s back, representing perfection, happiness and well-being. Ambassador Palita Kohona, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, said that today is an unforgettable night. The moon is very special, and the lamb under the moon is also very special. I had "BBQ whole lambs" in many places, but this one smelled very tasty and elegant. Everyone please enjoy the night together. Then President Wei Yan and the ambassadors unveiled the red head cover on the lamb to complete the "BBQ Whole Lamb Ceremony". H.E. Mr. Antonia Hugh, the Jamaican Ambassador to China, suggested that everyone raise a glass to celebrate: Let us enjoy this wonderful night together, and wish everyone a happy holiday!


    Under the moonlight, a violin song “Auld Lang Syne” played on the top of the garden. The host invited all diplomats to draw the best moment in their hearts on a piece of white paper: Ambassador Dusan Bella drew a red moon; his wife drew a "full moon with flowers"; the ambassador of Sri Lanka drew a river far away in his hometown; the ambassador of Jamaica drew an iconic Chinese symbol; the deputy ambassador of Kyrgyzstan, the commercial counselor of Bangladesh and others all drew their wonderful wishes on the papers to express most sincere hopes for a better life.

    Tonight, we were so close to the moon, we enjoyed the moon on this wonderful day. We wish everyone a happy holiday!






作者:记者 刘登臣 胡树萌 刘德山 班晓旭 陈熹 潘炳国  来源:本网站

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