(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘登臣)2024年3月18日, 应巴基斯坦驻华大使哈什米阁下邀请, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕同多国大使在北京凯宾斯基酒店国际宴会厅出席巴基斯坦建立84周年国庆招待会。中华人民共和国外交部副部长孙卫东阁下作为中方主礼嘉宾出席招待会。
On March 18, 2024, at the invitation of Ambassador of Pakistan to China H.E. Mr. Khalil Hashmi, President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan and many Ambassadors in China attended the grand reception for the 84th National Day of Pakistan at the International Ballroom of Kempinski Hotel in Beijing. Sun Weidong, Vice Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, graced the reception as the chief guest.
晚上19:00, 会场上奏响巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国国歌和中华人民共和国国歌, 然后巴基斯坦驻华大使哈什米阁下致欢迎辞。哈什米大使首先对巴基斯坦的开国元勋们, 尤其是国父穆罕默德•阿里•真纳的远见卓识和其在为建立独立的巴基斯坦做出的民主斗争表示崇高的敬意。哈什米大使强调了巴基斯坦在过去几十年中在多个领域取得的重大进展, 并强调了巴基斯坦在面对挑战时强大的韧性和能力。他回顾了巴基斯坦在世界舞台为促进世界和平、和谐和发展所提出的开创性外交倡议。他赞同在华巴基斯坦人员为促进中巴两国关系做出的贡献, 并希望能够继续深化两国商业往来和民间交流。
At 19:00, the national anthems of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of China were played, followed by a welcoming address by Ambassador Khalil Hashmi. He began his speech by paying tribute to the nation’s founding fathers, especially Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah for his vision and for pursing democratic struggle for the creation of Pakistan. Ambassador Hashmi underscored the remarkable progress Pakistan has achieved across various sectors over the decades, highlighting the nation's resilience and its capacity to overcome challenges with renewed vigour. He also recalled the groundbreaking diplomatic initiatives undertaken by Pakistan at the international stage for the promotion of peace, harmony and development. He commended the contribution of the Pakistani community towards strengthening the ties between Pakistan and China, while advocating for further enhancement of bilateral business and people-to-people exchanges.
在中巴关系方面, 哈什米大使强调, 中巴见铁一般的关系是几代人不断培育的硕果, 两国不仅山水相连, 更是有着一条建立在相互信任、尊重、团结和支持上的心灵走廊。
On Pakistan-China relations, the ambassador noted the iron-clad partnership that has been nurtured by successive generations. He emphasized the deep-rooted connection between the two countries, not only through geographical proximity but also through shared values of trust, mutual respect, solidarity, and support.
哈什米大使表示如今中巴经济走廊取得重要成果, 他也对未来绿色走廊、科技走廊、工业走廊等建设充满信心, 相信双方的互利合作水平将进一步提升。
Ambassador Hashmi said that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has achieved important results, and he is confident about the future construction of the Green Corridor, Science and Technology Corridor, and Industrial Corridor, and believes that the level of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries will be further enhanced.
中华人民共和国外交部副部长孙卫东阁下在活动上发表重要讲话, 他高度赞赏巴基斯坦历届政府和人民在促进国家繁荣、维护国家主权和捍卫国家尊严方面做出的不懈努力。他强调, 中巴两国将继续合作面对风险和挑战, 捍卫发展中国家正方权利, 共同促进国际公平。他对巴基斯坦建立新政府表示祝贺, 重申中方愿同巴方一道继续保持合作以加速构建新时代中巴命运共同体。
Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong also delivered an important speech at the event, he lauded the relentless efforts of successive Pakistani governments and its people in advancing the nation's prosperity, safeguarding sovereignty, and upholding national dignity. He stressed the importance of sustained China-Pakistan cooperation in addressing common risks and challenges, defending the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and promoting international fairness and justice. Furthermore, Vice Foreign Minister Sun conveyed China’s best wishes for the new government in Pakistan and reiterated China’s unwavering commitment to collaborating with Pakistan to strengthen the China-Pakistan Community of Shared Future in the New Era.
孙卫东表示, 巴基斯坦拥有2.4亿人口和跨越5000多年的丰富多样的文化遗产, 其中巴基斯坦有大量充满活力的侨民。我们认同他们对巴基斯坦做出的宝贵贡献。
Sun Weidong said that Pakistan has a population of 240 million and a rich and diverse cultural heritage spanning more than 5,000 years, with a large and vibrant Chinese community in Pakistan. We recognize their invaluable contributions to Pakistan.
孙卫东肯定了中巴经济走廊建设取得的瞩目成绩, 认为中巴经济走廊“不仅为两国和两国人民带来福祉, 也为地区提升互联互通和经济一体化提供了新的契机”中方愿同巴方一道, 弘扬中巴传统友谊, 巩固中巴全天候战略伙伴关系, 为地区乃至世界的和平稳定与繁荣发展做出更大贡献。
Sun Weidong affirmed the remarkable achievements made in the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), saying that the CPEC "not only brings benefits to the two countries and peoples, but also provides a new opportunity for the region to enhance connectivity and economic integration." China is willing to work with Pakistan to promote the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan, consolidate the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership, and contribute to the peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world.
应邀出席招待会的各国大使有:瑞士驻华大使白瑞谊阁下、爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下、南非驻华大使谢胜文阁下、蒙古国驻华大使图布辛•巴德尔勒阁下、尼泊尔驻华大使比什努•施雷斯塔阁下、文莱驻华大使拉赫玛尼阁下等多国大使。韦燕总裁一一拜会各国大使, 友好交流, 探讨中外新闻社大使俱乐部合作空间。
The attending ambassadors included: Ambassador of Switzerland to China H.E. Mr. Juerg Burri, Ambassador of Estonia to China H.E. Mr. Hannes Hanso, Ambassador of South Africa to China H.E. Mr. Siyabonga Cwele, Ambassador of Mongolia to China H.E. Mr. Tuvshin Badral, Ambassador of Nepal to China H.E. Mr. Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Ambassador of Brunei to China H.E. Mr. Pehin Dato Rahmani, and others. President Wei Yan met with each ambassador and had a good exchange with them to explore the cooperation potentials through Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club.
中巴两国学生组成的演出团队在当晚的活动中进行了精彩表演, 这象征着中巴两国友好关系后继有人、中巴两国友谊坚如磐石的真实写照。
Chinese and Pakistani students made wonderful performance during the event, symbolizing the successor of the friendship between China and Pakistan and the solid friendship between the two countries.