(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 赵婷婷)中外新闻社利用自身的功能定位和优势, 独创的“中外新闻社小记者”已经成为国际社会知名品牌。“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2025寒假出色完成采访古巴、阿根廷、尼日利亚、卢旺达、伊朗、巴基斯坦、乌拉圭、东帝汶等8国驻华大使馆采访任务, 古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )阁下为小记者们颁发“优秀小记者(优秀小小外交官)证书”。至此, 中外新闻社小记者共完成采访了96国驻华大使馆, 中外新闻社新一轮的“新闻外交”又一次结出了丰硕成果。
By utilizing its functional position and advantages, the unique “Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalists” has become a well-known brand in the international community. "Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press 2025 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation completed the series interviews with eight foreign embassies in China, including Cuba, Argentina, Nigeria, Rwanda, Iran, Pakistan, Uruguay and Timor-Leste, and the Ambassador of Cuba to China H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva presented the “Outstanding Junior Journalist (Little Diplomats)”certificates to junior journalists. Up to now, the Home and Abroad News Press junior journalistshave interviewed the 96 foreign embassies in China, which is another remarkable achievement of Home and Abroad News Press “News Diplomacy”.
2025年1月20日-1月24日, 中外新闻社小记者团积极准备, 在每一个国家大使馆采访前, 小记者们都练习用流利的英语介绍自己, 在采访过程中,有的小记者风趣幽默,有的沉着稳重, 有的犀利睿智, 有的开朗乐观……
From January 20th to January 24th, 2025, the Home and Abroad News Press junior journalists actively prepared for the interviews with each embassy, they practiced their self-introductions in fluent English, some of them were funny and humorous, some of them were calm and steady, some of them were sharp and wise, and some were cheerful and optimistic during the series interviews......
通过5天的采访, 小记者们的外交礼仪、采访技巧、思维能力、新闻意识等方面有了很大的提升。各国外交官对小记者们不畏艰难、勇于奉献的团队精神给予高度评价。小记者们近距离地感受各国外交官的“外交风范”, 每一位小记者都向各国外交官赠送自己家乡的小礼物, 他们深深地感到自己就是中国与世界各国友好交流的桥梁和使者。
Through the five days' interviews, the junior journalists’ diplomatic etiquettes, interview skills, thinking ability and news writing skills have been greatly improved. The team spirit of the junior journalistsis highly appreciated by the foreign diplomats, and they personally felt the “diplomatic temperaments” of foreign diplomats from various countries, and they also presented the gifts from their hometowns to the diplomats. They deeply felt that they were the bridge and friendship messengersbetween China and other countries.
随着中外新闻社在 “第十七届世界媒体展” 获得优秀媒体奖, 及2011年5月6日国务院港澳办批准中外新闻社在北京落地, 中外新闻社发展突飞猛进, 在国际社会产生了较大的影响, 焕发出与时俱进的勃勃生机。此次“见证友谊”---中外新闻社小记者的8国驻华使馆采访, 是中外新闻社为推动中国同各国的友好合作关系全面发展取得的又一个成果, 让我们期待小记者们在中国同外国友好关系的新版上画上最新最美的图画。
With the special award of the “Global Outstanding Media Award” at the 17th World Media Expo and the approval of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council for the establishment of mainland office in Beijing on May 6th, 2011, Home and Abroad News Press has made rapid progress with great influence in the international community with its vitalityand creativity. "Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press 2025 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation completed the series interviews with 8 countries in China is another achievement to promote the comprehensive development of friendly and cooperative relations between China and other countries, and we look forward to the junior journalists for making greater contributions to the friendly relations between China and all foreign countries.
古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下深有感触地说:“各位小记者, 你们是中国未来的‘发言人’, 你们将拥有越来越多的机会和责任。这次采访各国驻华大使馆, 是你们成长过程中的一次重要里程碑, 我相信你们已经付出了充分的努力和准备。在此, 我要向你们表示赞赏。请相信自己的能力和潜力。无论未来选择什么样的道路, 都要坚持自己的信念和努力。相信你们一定会在未来的工作学习中取得更多的成功和成就。你们要敢于发现, 为中国和世界各国的友好关系做出贡献。
Ambassador of Cuba to ChinaH.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva said with deep feelings: “All junior journalists, you are the future ‘spokesmen’ of China, and you will have more and more opportunities and responsibilities. This interview with the embassies in China is an important milestone in your personal development, and I am sure you have put in a lot of effort and preparation. I would like to express my appreciation to you. Please believe in your competences and potentials. No matter what path you choose in the future, always keep your beliefs and efforts. I believe you will achieve more success and accomplishments in your future work and study. You should dare to discover and contribute to the friendly relations between China and the rest of the world.
中外新闻社总编辑韦燕表示: 中外新闻社要把和谐融入世界, 向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能, 更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。组织小记者采访各国大使馆, 旨意在让中国青少年了解各国的国情和文化。“展示‘新闻外交’、推动世界和平”---成为中外新闻社发展的主旋律。
President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yansaid: Home and Abroad News Press should integrate harmony into the world, showing the world not only the function of a global media, but also the bridge for world peace. The purpose of organizing interviews with embassies for junior journalists is to let Chinese young people understand the national conditions and cultures of different countries. “NewsDiplomacy for World Peace” has become the key theme of the development ofHome and Abroad News Press.
小记者们拿着古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下颁发“优秀小记者(优秀小小外交官)证书”, 兴奋不已, 笑声不断, 气氛火热, 这将成为他们一生中人最难忘而深刻的回忆。
The junior journalists were very excited to hold the “Certificate of Outstanding Junior Journalist (Little Diplomat)” presentedAmbassador Alberto Blanco Silva. This exciting moment with joy and laughter will become the most unforgettable memories in their lives.
至此, 中外新闻社小记者共完成采访了96国驻华大使馆, 中外新闻社新一轮的“新闻外交”又一次结出了丰硕成果。
So far, Home and Abroad News Press junior journalists have interviewed 96foreign embassies in China, and the new round of “News Diplomacy” has once again borne fruitful results.