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See the world-shattering Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge from the ocean

时间:2024-10-23 13:20:32



    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺)7月28日,中外新闻社大使俱乐部大湾区考察团抵达深圳。29日下午,外交团队前往深圳蛇口乘游艇观赏震惊世界的港珠澳大桥。
    On July 28th, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club arrived in Shenzhen, and the delegation went to Shekou Port, Shenzhen to take the ocean cruise to see the world-shattering Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on the afternoon of July 29th.

    The delegation included Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E. Mr. Peter Lizak, Ambassador of Malta to China H.E. Mr. John Busuttil, Ambassador of Argentina to China H.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia and his wife Mrs. Lucia Margarita Borjas de Suárez Salvia, Ambassador of Namibia to China H.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo and his wife Mrs. Loide KwashaKaiyamo,Deputy Head of Mission of Iran in China Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Far and his wife Ms. Marzieh Olamaei Far, Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan in ChinaMr. Bilal Mahmood,Minister of Commerce of Argentina to ChinaMr. Cristian NicolasSokolowski, Cultural Counselor of Uruguayan Embassy in ChinaMr. Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco, Commercial Officer of the Embassy of Argentina in ChinaMr. Yi Liang, Economic and Investment Counselor of Mexican Embassy in China Mr. Hector Dorbecker and his wife Ms. Yolanda Sanchez and others.

  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)同阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下(H.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia)在游艇上盛赞港珠澳大桥

    港珠澳大桥成为世界最长的跨海大桥,作为中国建设史上里程最长、投资最多、施工难度最大的跨海桥梁项目,港珠澳大桥受到海内外广泛关注。此次参观活动旨在增进外国使节对中国发展成就的了解,促进国际交流与合作。使节们在中外新闻社总裁韦燕的带领下,深入了解了港珠澳大桥的设计、施工和运营管理等方面的信息。斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E. Mr. Peter Lizak)一面不停地用手机拍摄大桥,一面对港珠澳大桥的壮观规模和先进技术表示赞叹,认为这一工程不仅方便了香港、珠海和澳门的通行,也为区域经济的发展提供了强有力的支持。
    The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) has become the longest cross-see bridge in the world. As the cross-sea bridge project with the longest mileage, the largest investment and the most difficult construction conditions in the history of China's construction, the HZMB has attracted wide attention at home and abroad. Thisvisit was aimed at providing comprehensive understanding of China's development achievements to foreign diplomats and promoting international exchanges and cooperation. Led by President Wei Yan, the diplomats gained in-depth knowledge of the design, construction and operation and management of the HZMB. Ambassador of Slovakia to ChinaH.E. Mr. Peter Lizak kept taking photos of the bridge with his cell phone while admiring the spectacular scale and advanced technology of this world-class bridge, which not only facilitates the movement of Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao, but also provides strong support for the development of the regional economy.

  斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Mr.Peter Lizak)在游艇上盛赞港珠澳大桥

    Ambassador of Argentina to ChinaH.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia paid special attention to the bridge's sustainable development efforts including the use of new technologies to minimize the impact on the environment, which demonstrates the importance of China's focus on ecological preservation while promoting economic development.

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕同阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下(H.E.Mr.Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia)在游艇上盛赞港珠澳大桥

    During the visit, Ambassador of Malta to ChinaH.E. Mr. John Busuttilalso learned about the culture and history of the bridge and felt the unique Chinese multiculturalism.

    Ambassador of Namibia to ChinaH.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo expressed that the visit not only deepened his understanding of the HZMB, but also laid the foundation for future friendship and cooperation, and he hoped to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China in infrastructureconstruction projects, and to share China's development opportunities together.

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕陪同纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下(H.E.Mr.Elia G.Kaiyamo)及夫人卡瓦沙女士(Mrs. Loide KwashaKaiyamo)愉快的在游艇上

    Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club special tour to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) gave the diplomats a great experience with this massive engineering miracle. The HZMB connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao, and is the world's longest sea-crossing bridge, which embodies China's outstanding achievements in infrastructure construction. The HZMB will connect the world's most vibrant economic zones, and the completion of the fast track will be of far-reaching significance to the economic and social integration of Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai. Costing more than RMB 72 billion, jointly financed by the Central Government and the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, with a total length of 49.968 kilometers, making it the world's longest sea-crossing bridge.

  陈怀艺记者陪同斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)参观港珠澳大桥

    Zhuhai is a coastal city with fascinating sceneries, Macao is a world-renowned international tourism and leisure center, Hong Kong is an internationally recognized free port and financial center, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will be connecting the three places through the smooth connections making a perfect combination of tourism, leisure, shopping and business.

  中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻同伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生(Mr.Abolfazl Olamaei Far)及夫人玛齐耶女士(Ms.Marzieh Olamaei Far)在游艇上观赏港珠澳大桥

    Diplomatson the cruise ship enjoyed the sea breeze passing through their faces with relaxing mood. All saw the spectacular Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge with the romantic sunset view, and enjoy the cruise dinner together......

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)在游艇上盛赞港珠澳大桥

  乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛先生(Mr.Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco)在游艇上盛赞港珠澳大桥


作者:记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺  来源:本网站

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