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Experiencing the Chinese medicine treatments to understandthe profoundness of Chinese medicine

时间:2024-10-23 12:10:55


  中外新闻社总裁韦燕、斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Mr.Peter Lizak)、马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)、阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下(H.E.Mr.Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia)、纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下(H.E.Mr.Elia G.Kaiyamo)向张浪董事长颁发”大健康体验中心“牌匾

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺)7月28日,中外新闻社大使俱乐部大湾区考察团抵达深圳。29日,外交团队前往蓝锋健康产业园参观、体验。此次中医体验外交团队由下列使节组成:斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下、马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下、阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下、阿根廷驻华大使夫人露西亚女士、纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下、纳米比亚驻华大使夫人卡瓦沙女士、伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生、伊朗驻华副大使夫人玛齐耶女士、巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生、阿根廷驻华商务公使克里斯蒂安•索科洛夫斯基先生、乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛先生、阿根廷驻华大使馆商务官梁毅先生、墨西哥经济投资参赞董浩天先生、墨西哥商务参赞夫人苏月兰女士等。
    On July 28th, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club delegation arrived in Shenzhen. The diplomatic delegationvisited the Lanfeng Health Industrial Park and received unique TCM treatments. The delegation included Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E. Mr. Peter Lizak, Ambassador of Malta to China H.E. Mr. John Busuttil, Ambassador of Argentina to China H.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia and his wife Mrs. Lucia Margarita Borjas de Suárez Salvia, Ambassador of Namibia to China H.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo and his wife Mrs. Loide KwashaKaiyamo,Deputy Head of Mission of Iran in China Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Farand his wife Ms. Marzieh Olamaei Far, Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan in ChinaMr. Bilal Mahmood,Minister of Commerce of Argentina to ChinaMr. Cristian NicolasSokolowski, Cultural Counselor of Uruguayan Embassy in ChinaMr. Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco, Commercial Officer of the Embassy of Argentina in ChinaMr. Yi Liang, Economic and Investment Counselor of Mexican Embassy in China Mr. Hector Dorbecker and his wife Ms. Yolanda Sanchez and others.


    Shenzhen Lanfeng Chinese Medicine Hospital and Health Industrial Park is located in Dapeng New District, Shenzhen, on the coast of the South China Sea. It is an industrial park integrating management consulting, health care, Chinese medicine health consulting and hospital management. The park has advanced management mode professional Chinese medicine experts and talent team to provide health care, senior care services and management, education and science and technology training, recreation and tourism vacation as a combined professional service body to provide a multi-functional integrated service platform for the community.


    园区占地面积 26500平方,绿化覆盖率 38.64%,院内有观海酒店,三面环山,一面望海,与惠州接壤,西抱大鹏湾,遥望香港新界。
    The park covers an area of 26,500 square meters, with a green coverage rate of 38.64%, and there is a sea-viewing hotel in the courtyard, surrounded by mountains on three sides, looking at the sea on the other side, bordering Huizhou andDapeng Bay, and facing to the New Territories of Hong Kong.


    Mr. Zhang Lang, the inheritor of a famous Chinese medicine family and the Chairman of Shenzhen Lanfeng Chinese Medicine Hospital and Health Industrial Park, whose grandfathers were local miracle doctors specializing in treating difficult and complicated illnesses, and the patients achieved desirable results with their unique medical skills. In the family of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhang Lang was deeply nurtured by traditional Chinese medicine, grew up in his grandfather's Chinese medicine clinic, followed by his grandfathers to learn the dialectical diagnosis, prescribing and making herbalmedicines, laying down a solid foundation of his Chinese medicine skills.


    On the same day, Zhang Lang elaborated to the delegation diplomats in the industrial park on the elements of Chinese medicine, the research of key technology and equipment of Chinese medicine and the cutting-edge of high-quality personnel training, the integration of Chinese medicine, traditional techniques and the global layout of the large alliance of Chinese medicine enterprises and industries. After that, Zhang Lang brought a group of experienced and skillful TCM experts to perform diagnosis on all delegation diplomats one by one. All treatments were suitably performed on each diplomat and relived their pains and health concerns, which made them understand more about the profundity of Chinese traditional medicines.


    With the increase of environmental pollution and life pressure, the sub-healthy people have shown a rapid growth in recent years. With the unique functional positioning of Home and Abroad News Press, it has become an important concern to pay attention to the health of the diplomats of various countries in China. Promoting “Health Diplomacy” is another key theme of Home and Abroad News Pressafter “Media Diplomacy”. Home and Abroad News Pressbrought Shenzhen Lanfeng Chinese Medicine Hospital and Health Industrial Park into the UN International Collaboration and Coordination Agency Academy of Life and Health Sciences to jointly build a “Chinese Medicine Health Channel”, with the theme of “Promoting themodernization of traditional Chinese medicine and common health of mankind”, aiming to enhance the comprehensive service capacity of Chinese medicine in terms of role modeling, innovation, achievement, dissemination and consumption, to promote the culture of Chinese medicine, to build the stronger cultural foundation of Chinese medicine, and to provide a necessary support for the inheritance and innovative development of Chinese medicine in the new period and to inject more energy into the development of the Chinese traditional medicine industry.


    At the end of the program, President Wei Yan and Honorary Presidents of Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club, Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E. Mr. Peter Lizak, Ambassador of Malta to China H.E. Mr. John Busuttil, Ambassador of Argentina to China H.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia and Ambassador of Namibia to ChinaH.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo presented the “Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club Health Operation Center” plaque to Shenzhen Lanfeng Hospital and Health Industrial Park.

  名门世家的中医传承者张浪为乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛(Mr.Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco)运用望、闻、问、切等对其辩证审因,推断病机,确定病证,为预防、治疗疾病提供判断依据


作者:记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺  来源:本网站

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