核心提示:2011年5月6日,经中国国务院港澳办“港审联字[2011] 537号”文批准,香港中外新闻社北京记者站正式成立。至此,中外新闻社既有香港信息高度发达国际大都市背景,又有中国首都北京的权威平台,从事国际性交流合作、公关策划等活动将更便捷、更广泛。中外新闻社是中国政府认可的权威媒体,创社10年,与众多...
2011年5月6日,经中国国务院港澳办“港审联字[2011] 537号”文批准,香港中外新闻社北京记者站正式成立。至此,中外新闻社既有香港信息高度发达国际大都市背景,又有中国首都北京的权威平台,从事国际性交流合作、公关策划等活动将更便捷、更广泛。中外新闻社是中国政府认可的权威媒体,创社10年,与众多国家驻华大使馆、国际组织、商会协会、政府部门、经贸企业等各界人士结为友好的合作伙伴。通过出版物《中外新闻》杂志、中外新闻网络、及策划各政府、企业与各国驻华使馆及国际机构的交流与合作项目取得了成功的案例,为多国驻华使馆、国际组织、商会协会、政府部门提供了第一手权威资料,搭建高端交流平台。May 6th 2011, the Chinese State Council - the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office officially approved establishing the Beijing Office of (Hong Kong) Home and Abroad News Press. Given this important milestone, Home and Abroad News Press not only enjoys the highly advanced information platforms in Hong Kong, but also has direct support and recognition from the central government to make international communications, collaborations and public relations more convenient and extensive. As an influential media recognized by Chinese government, Home and Abroad News Press have established strategic alliances with many embassies in China, international organizations, business associations and societies, government bodies and famous leaders from different sectors in the past 10 years. Through the wholly owned and published magazine “Home and Abroad News”, the media has successfully completed a number of projects and events with all level governments, enterprise, embassies and consulates. All activities continuously promoted global economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation. Much valuable information was provided by the media’s high-level, high-efficiency operational model.
北京--9月28日,在中外新闻社北京记者站落地庆典暨中外宾客国庆招待会上, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕与伊朗驻华使馆新闻文化参赞阿里扎德签署“战略合作伙伴”协议书。协议书内容如下:
September 28th, at the Grand Opening of Home and Abroad News Press Beijing Office and National Day Reception in Beijing, the President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan and the Cultural Counsellor of Iranian Embassy in China Mr. Aziz Alizadeh signed the Strategic Alliance Agreement. The agreement terms as follows: (the “Office” represents the Culture Office of Iranian Embassy in China; “HANP” represents Home and Abroad News Press)
1.中外新闻社从2011年10月起,将在《中外新闻》杂志上不定期的宣传中国和伊朗的合作项目和伊朗国家的投资环境、旅游风光、文化习俗和风土人情等。每期免费安排1个版面,全年6期,拟出版, 2年共12个版面,让更多的中国人对伊朗有更深刻地了解和认识;
HANP will publish and promote cooperative projects between China and Iran and the unique Iranian investment environment, tourism, culture, customs and traditions and such from time to time since the 2011 October issue. In each issue, HANP offers one free page in the Home and Abroad News Press magazine, 6 pages per year and projected 12 pages for the two year period, so that more Chinese people can better understand about Iran;
The journalists of HANP will focus on promoting Iran in the regular work agendas. The HANP will also invite the information officials from the Office or the Embassy to be the special reporter of HANP and jointly provide China and Iran related news, reviews and special reports;
The Office will invite HANP journalists from time to time to participate Iran related meetings and events and provide necessary supports and arrangements to have interviews with Iranian officials and leaders for in-depth and comprehensive reporting coverage;
The Office and HANP will hold regular high-level meetings for consulting, planning, organizing related special events and recreational activities;
The Office will utilize its own strengths and advantages to directly or indirectly assist and support HANP to explore growth potentials and momentums. This is based on mutual positive interactions, the principle of complementary advantages and friendly cooperation and common development;
After signing the agreements, both parties expressed their wishes for deepening future cooperative relationships in economic trading, cultural exchange, education, tourism and other sectors between China and Iran. This will surely benefit and contribute more to the bilateral long-term healthy friendship and partnership.