米兰世博会主办国--意大利国家馆馆长保羅•薩巴丁及新闻官对中外新闻社记者团的到访表示热烈的欢迎 |
【中外新闻网记者 赵焕祥 陈彬云 赵健康 小记者 刘颖臻】作为主办国的意大利国家馆的重头戏却是“美的力量”展厅, 展厅前言是这样写的:“还给世界一些它自己的美。美是这个星球的食物,是生命的能量。意大利的美是它独一无二的力量之一。你将游走在布满葡萄藤的山坡、壮丽的山峦、水晶般纯净的流水.......以及古老建筑环绕的城市广场,还有我们的艺术,如同透过无数万花筒来看它们……”
As the host country of the Expo Milano 2015, the Italian Pavilion showcase “the power of beauty”. The preview of the Italian pavilion exhibition hall states that: “The Power of Expertise: 21 people tell of the Italians’ professional qualities, in terms of their artistic and manual skills, and how they found success by thinking in business terms. The Power of Beauty: Here we see 21 landscapes and the same number of architectural masterpieces that express the beauty of Italy. The Power of the Challenge: these are 21 stories of farms, agri-food, and craftspeople who illustrate the specific area in which Italians distinguish themselves: their ability to give the best of themselves in the most challenging circumstances. Just one example: cultivating vineyards on arid hillsides, when any form of mechanical assistance is quite impossible. The Power of the Future: this is narrated by means of a Nursery of 21 plants, each of which represents one of the country’s Regions or Autonomous Provinces……”
保羅•薩巴丁馆长和韦燕团长就米兰世博会给意大利国家带来的经济社会发展效应进行探讨 |
At 4pm on August 18th, Home and Abroad News Press Journalist Delegation visited the Italian Pavilion. The Pavilion Director Mr. Paolo Sabatim and the Press Officer warmly welcomed the delegation members. They had a special talk with the President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan, the Vice President Mr. Zhao Huanxiang and the Delegation Leader of the junior journalists Ms. Wang Xinyi. At the end of the interview, the representatives of Italian national television also met with the delegation and exchanged gifts between Chinese and Italian sides.
As the host country, the Italian Pavilion surely attracted the most attentions. The journalist asked: “The theme of 2015 Milano Expo is ‘Feeding the planet, Energy for life’. The design of the Italian Pavilion was the result of an international design competition awarded by Expo 2015 SpA in May, 2013. This design was chosen from 68 plans. What is the concept behind this remarkable design of the Italian Pavilion ?”
保羅·薩巴丁馆长认为,美是一个古老的概念,却与我们的未来紧密相关。” 意大利馆设计三个连续的厅,四面全是大屏幕,屏幕上不断展现出意大利最美的风景、建筑、艺术,镜子把整个空间反射成一个万花筒,瞬息万变又无比夺目。在大气优美的音乐伴奏下,意大利人把最壮丽的山水、最辉煌的建筑、最骄傲的艺术杰作统统展示出来,并通过“万花筒”形成瞬息万变的效果, 每一秒钟都无比炫目。
Director Mr. Sabatim told us that beauty is an ancient concept but it is closely connected with our future. The Italian Pavilion has three interlinked sessions with giant screens all around. Non-stop pictures show the most beautiful landmarks, buildings and artworks in Italy. The design utilized the space and visual effects to give a fast-changing and breathtaking experience. With the elegant music, the best things of Italy are demonstrated fully in this pavilion. Every second leaves a great impression to all visitors.
意大利国家电视台现场直播记者在工作室会见中外新闻社小记者 |
Director Mr. Sabatim also answered other questions, like what is Expo’s influence to Italy in both economic and social impacts? How many activities and events the Italian Pavilion is organizing during the Expo period? How many people have visited the Italian Pavilion ? etc.
As the host country of Expo Milano 2015, Italy attracted 145 countries and 3 international organizations participating this global event. This remarkable achievement set a new record for the World Expo. We also learnt that Italy specially organized the opening concert at the Milan Great Church Square to welcome the Expo Milano to Italy. Many famous Italian singers, including Andrea Bocelli, delivered amazing performance to the audiences and all visitors to the Expo Park.
李姝欣小记者向米兰世博会意大利国家馆馆长保羅•薩巴丁先生赠送中国名家文化礼品 |
赵一俨小记者与米兰世博会意大利国家馆馆长保羅•薩巴丁先生握手致意 |
何应凡小记者向米兰世博会意大利国家馆馆长保羅•薩巴丁先生赠送小礼物 |
米兰世博会主办国--意大利国家馆馆长保羅•薩巴丁向中外新闻社记者团团长韦燕赠送礼物 |
陈彬云记者向米兰世博会意大利国家馆馆长保羅•薩巴丁先生赠送礼物 |