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President Wei Yan attends “Summit of the Future Action Days” at the United Nations:Chinese social organizations organizedside event to envision a sustainable future

时间:2024-9-27 10:32:59

核心提示:美国当地时间2024年9月21日下午, 在联合国“未来峰会行动日”期间, 中国民间组织国际交流促进会、中国国际民间组织合作促进会、平澜公益基金会等社会组织同非盟经社文权利委员会、联合国大学等共同举办系列边会, 探讨通过数字技术和全球合作加速现代化进程、激发青年力量促进全球环境保护和可持续发展等议题。...


    (中外新闻社中外新闻网联合国报道)美国当地时间2024年9月21日下午, 在联合国“未来峰会行动日”期间, 中国民间组织国际交流促进会、中国国际民间组织合作促进会、平澜公益基金会等社会组织同非盟经社文权利委员会、联合国大学等共同举办系列边会, 探讨通过数字技术和全球合作加速现代化进程、激发青年力量促进全球环境保护和可持续发展等议题。中外新闻社总裁韦燕, 加拿大分社社长张珈闻出席会议。
    On the afternoon of September 21, 2024, during the “Summit of the Future Action Days” at the United Nations, China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE), China Association for NGO Cooperation (CANGO) and Peaceland Foundationtogether with the African Union (AU) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)and United Nations University Institute in Macau (UNU Macau) held a side event to discuss topics such as accelerating modernization through digital technology and global cooperation, and mobilizing youth to promote global environmental protection and sustainable development. President of Home and Abroad News PressMs. Wei Yanand Director of Canadian branch Mr. Alan Zhangattended the meeting.

  2023年美国青年参议员Tuqa Alibadi致辞

    中国民间组织国际交流促进会副秘书长肖宁宁在致辞中表示, 社会组织是共建美好未来的重要主体。中国社会组织积极投身教育、科技、环保、减灾、卫生、志愿服务等可持续发展的重点领域, 同国外合作伙伴广泛开展人文交流和务实合作。她倡议, 要坚持数字化包容性发展, 确保全世界在数字转型中实现公平参与; 要增加对“全球南方”国家数字化发展资源供给, 缩小数字鸿沟; 要拓展渠道赋能青年, 搭建中外青年交流平台, 鼓励青年参与议题设置, 增强青年获得感。
    Ms. Xiao Ningning, Deputy Secretary-General of China NGO Network for International Exchanges, said in his speech that social organizations are an important main body for building a better future. Chinese social organizations are actively involved in education, science and technology, environmental protection, disaster mitigation, health, volunteerism and other key areas of sustainable development, and have carried out a wide range of humanistic exchanges and practical cooperation with foreign partners. She advocated insisting on digitally inclusive development to ensure equitable participation in digital transformation; increasing the supply of digital development resources to countries of the “Global South” to narrow the digital gap; expanding channels to empower youth, building a platform for exchanges between young people in China and abroad, and encouraging youth to participate in issue-setting to enhance the sense of access for young people.

  非洲SMACHS基金会创始人 Charlene Ruto女士致辞

    非盟经社文权利委员会民间社会事务协调员钦塔拉姆博士在致辞中强调, 科技特别是人工智能的飞速发展, 带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。数字时代更需要关注包容性, 特别是在人工智能和环境治理方面。绿色经济转型不仅有助于减轻气候变化的影响, 还将推动经济增长和社会公平。
    The representative of African Union emphasized that the rapid development of science and technology, especially AI, has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The digital age requires a greater focus on inclusiveness, especially in the areas of AI and environmental governance. A green economy transition would not only help to mitigate the effects of climate change, but also promote economic growth and social equity.


    联合国博物馆董事会成员、联合国地球责任基金会创始人加德兹指出, 代理型人工智能在弥合社会发展鸿沟、提高数字包容性、提升医疗服务及教育质量方面具有巨大潜力, 能够帮助社区发展, 促进青年成长。应当在自主决策和行动方面引导人工智能与人类价值观保持一致, 从而更好地塑造可持续发展的未来。
    The Founder of the United Nations Foundation for Earth Responsibility said that Agentic AI has great potential to bridge the social development divide, improve digital inclusion, enhance healthcare services and the quality of education, and can help communities develop and promote youth growth. AI should be guided to align with human values in autonomous decision-making and action to better shape a sustainable future.

  亚洲公益创投网络(AVPN)首席合作官Tristan Ace致辞

    肯尼亚驻华使馆副大使丽奈表示, 非洲大陆有大量青年人口, 未来具备重要发展潜力。为了帮助青年更好地参与国家发展和全球治理, 必须加强技术赋能, 为他们提供学习和实践生态旅游、废料废水处理、可再生能源开发、可持续农业发展的机会。当前许多非洲国家根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》增加了应对气候变化的投入, 这些投入至关重要, 能够帮助青年生活在更加包容、更可持续的未来。
    Deputy Head of Mission at Kenyan embassy in China Ms. Lynette Mwendesaid that the African continent has a large youth population with significant potential for future development. In order to help young people better participate in national development and global governance, it is necessary to strengthen technical empowerment, providing them with opportunities to learn and practice eco-tourism, waste water treatment, renewable energy development, sustainable agricultural development. The increased investments that many African countries are currently making to address climate change under the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” are critical to help youth live in a more inclusive and sustainable future.


    坦桑尼亚启蒙运动发展创新组织执行总监、青年行动负责人安德森表示, 每个学生都有权接受数字教育, 但当前全球在数字鸿沟和优质教育供给方面面临严峻挑战。技术在弱势群体权益保障方面扮演关键角色, 能够显著提高教育和医疗服务的质量, 提供更多就业机会。她呼吁各方共同承担责任, 加强合作伙伴关系, 进一步推动数字技术在社会公益中的应用。
    Executive Director of TanzaniaEnlightenment Development InnovationOrganization, Head of Youth Action Mr. Anderson said that every student has the right to a digital education, but the world is currently facing serious challenges in terms of the digital gap and the provision of quality education. Technology plays a key role in safeguarding the rights of the vulnerable and can significantly improve the quality of education and healthcare services and provide more employment opportunities. She called for shared responsibility and strengthened partnerships to further promote the use of digital technologies for social welfares.

    The side event attracted nearly 100 participants from international organizations, representatives of non-governmental organizations and think tanksfrom many countries.




作者:中外新闻社  来源:本网站

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