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Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club “Ambassadors Live Broadcasting”attracted ten-thousands of fans

时间:2024-10-22 12:02:53


  参加首场直播的驻华大使是:斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Mr.Peter Lizak)、马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)、阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下(H.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia)、纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下(H.E.Mr.Elia G.Kaiyamo),中外新闻社总裁韦燕现场指导,中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻主持直播

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺)7月28日,中外新闻社大使俱乐部大湾区考察团抵达深圳,上午10:00设在香格里拉大酒店多功能厅的中外新闻社大使俱乐部“大使直播间”正在进行两场直播,参加首场直播的驻华大使是:斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下、马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下、阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下、纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下。中外新闻社总裁韦燕现场指导,中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻主持,直播开始5分钟粉丝过6万。
    On July 28th, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club Delegation arrived in Shenzhen. Two “Ambassadors Live Broadcasting” programs were being held in the Multi-functional Hall of the Shangri-La Hotel at 10:00am. The first session included Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E. Mr. Peter Lizak, Ambassador of Malta to China H.E. Mr. John Busuttil, Ambassador of Argentina to China H.E. Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia, and Ambassador of Namibia to China H.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo. President Wei Yan personally directed the program on spot, and hosted by the Vice President Mr. Alan Zhang. The live broadcasting programs attracted more than 60,000 fans in 5 minutes.


    Firstly, Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E. Mr. Peter Lizak introduced his country of Slovakia. He said that on December 5, 2023, the Slovakia Jingdong National Pavilion was officially launched, and JD Slovakia National Pavilion has brought special products such as Lyra chocolates, Modra Wine, RonaWine Glasses, etc. You can buy the goodies from Europe by searching for “Slovakia National Pavilion” on the JD App. Located in the center of Europe, Slovakia is also known as the “Land of Castles”. It boards with Hungary, Austria, Poland and other countries, Europe's important waterway Danube River flows through the country to make a perfect transportation network with land and water. Slovakia is one of the first European countries to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China on “Belt and Road” cooperation. Slovakia's flying cars also created new momentum in the traditional transportation sector. The flying cars, combining automobile and aircraft dual function of transportation, has long been the dream of the automotive industry. With Ambassador Lizak's live broadcast, the number of followers kept rising, and the host Alan asked Ambassador Lizakmany questions on behalf of the netizens with great excitement both online and offline.

  斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Mr.Peter Lizak)在直播间推介斯洛伐克第五代飞行汽车、红酒等产品

    Ambassador of Malta to ChinaH.E. Mr. John Busuttilwas the second one to present his country. He said that Malta is an island country located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, with rich history, culture and beautiful natural scenery, blue water, golden sandy beaches, ancient buildings and hospitable people, which is a very suitable place for vacation tourism. The ambassador hoped to see more Chinese tourists in Malta. He also mentioned that every October 11 is the World Chinese Medicine Day, Malta organizes lectures on the popularization of Chinese medicine, more than 200,000 people in Malta use Chinese medicine treatment every year, the ambassador is looking forward to the deep cooperation between Malta and China in the field of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

  阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下(H.E.Mr.Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia)在直播间推介阿根廷探戈、足球等特色文化

    Argentina's Ambassador to ChinaH.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salviawas the third to present his country. He said that located in the heart of South America, Argentina attracts the world's attention with its rich culture, unique customs and globally renowned soccer tradition. Today, we will take you into this colorful country to experience its historical charm, economic vitality and cultural enthusiasm. Argentina captivates with its unique heritage and fascinating flavors. Countless historical figures, cultural treasures and magnificent landscapes have come together to give this land endless attractions. As a country with one of the strongest soccer teams in the world, Argentina has a great passion for soccer. He also mentioned that the friendship and the cooperation between the two countries are very important. I am very optimistic about the prospects of Argentina-China relations. Continuous efforts by both sides to improve cooperation and enhance friendship will promote stronger and more resilient Argentina-China relations.

  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)在直播间推介马耳他国家旅游、文化

    Ambassador of Namibia to ChinaH.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamotalked about his country in the live broadcast that Namibia is a very trustworthy African country, and Namibia is not only a country with agriculture and tourism, but also one of the world's top producers of green hydrogen energy, and we welcome Chinese enterprises to actively participate in the development of Namibia's industries. Ambassador Kaiyamoalso mentioned that Namibia and other African countries voted for China into the United Nations in 1971, when China resumed its seat in the United Nations, the first one who ran to the podium to congratulate China’s success was Namibian President Nujoma; the support of African countries is very important. China is a friend of Namibia, a friend forever. Throughout the broadcast, Ambassador Kaiyamo repeatedly emphasizedthe strong goodwill of Namibians towards China. He spoke happily of China's huge consumer market opening its arms to Namibian products, and Namibia becoming the first African country authorized to export beef to China. He also welcomed more Chinese friends to visit Namibia and hoped that more and more Namibians come to China and experience the unique Chinese society and culture.

  纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下(H.E.Mr. Elia G.Kaiyamo)在直播间推介纳米比亚的农业和旅游业

    The host Alan organized the live broadcasts of ambassadors from various countries, and with the audience base accumulated by Home and Abroad News Press and APEC channels, the number of fans of the live broadcasts continued to rise, which enabled the audience to see a brand-new “Ambassadors Live BroadcastingRoom”.

    “大使直播间”第二场直播,参加直播的是:伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生、巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生、乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛先生、墨西哥经济投资参赞董浩天先生, 大家在直播间探讨粤港澳大湾区在新时代下的发展机遇和挑战,促进中外文化交流与合作,进一步深化国际间的友好关系。通过“大使直播间”这一新颖形式,旨在通过文化搭台、经济唱戏的市场运作方式,为各国提供了一个展示和交流的平台,促进中外经贸往来,促进了多元文化的融合与碰撞。
    The second broadcasting session included: Deputy Head of Mission of Iran to ChinaMr. Abolfazl Olamaei Far, Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan to China, Mr. Bilal Mahmood, Cultural Counselor of UruguayanEmbassy in China Mr. Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco, Economic and Investment Counselor of Mexico in China Mr. Hector Dorbecker. They discussed the opportunities and challenges of the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the new times, and promoted the cultural exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese and foreign cultures to deepen the friendly relations among the international community. Through the inspiring “Ambassadors Live Broadcasting” programs, it aims to provide a platform for countries to express and exchange ideas, promote economic and trade exchanges between China and foreign countries, and facilitate the fusion of multiple cultures through the international trades.

  伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生(Mr.Abolfazl Olamaei Far)在直播间推介伊朗国家旅游、文化

    At the end of the live broadcast, PresidentWei Yan announced that the number of viewers of “Ambassador Live Broadcast” had exceeded 60,000+. Home and Abroad News Press always continues to uphold the concept of “Innovation, Cooperation and Win-Win Deals” and to promote the comprehensive upgrading and innovative development of the cooperation, to expand international markets with the leading role of “Ambassadors Live Broadcasting” programs.

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德先生(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)在直播间推介巴基斯坦国家文化、产品、旅游

  墨西哥大使特使--墨西哥经济投资参赞董浩天(Mr.Hector Dorbecker)先生在直播间推介墨西哥的国酒、文化、旅游

  乌拉圭大使特使--乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛(Mr.Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco)先生在直播间推介乌拉圭红酒及文化产品

作者:记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺  来源:本网站

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