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Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club held the “Sustainable Development Cooperation Forum” in Shenzhen

时间:2024-10-22 12:31:29



    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺)7月28日,中外新闻社大使俱乐部大湾区考察团抵达深圳,在深圳举办“可持续发展合作论坛”,中国民营经济国际合作商会副会长刘海康、香港工商总会会长王福生、澳门华人世界商会主席叶晓阳及深圳、东莞企业家与会,多国外交使节出席并作精彩演讲。
    On July 28, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Clubto the Greater Bay Area arrived in Shenzhen and held the “Sustainable Development Cooperation Forum” in Shenzhen. The Vice President of the China Chamber of Commerce for International Cooperation in Private Economy (CCCIE) Mr. Liu Haikang, President of the Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Commerce (HKFIC) Mr. Wang Fusheng, Chairman of the Macao Chinese Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) Mr. Ye Xiaoyang and many entrepreneurs from Shenzhen and Dongguan. Diplomatic envoys from many countries attended the forum and delivered wonderful speeches.

  阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下(H.E.Mr.Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia)在论坛上致辞

    Deputy Director of the United Nations International Collaboration and Coordination Agency and President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan first delivered a keynote speech on the theme of “Promoting the development of the digital economy in a sustainable direction”. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Council, the Administrative Committee and the 96 overseas offices and news centers of Home and Abroad News Press, I would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the distinguished guests for their presence here.

  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)在论坛上致辞

    Wei Yan pointed out that: focusing on the overall situation to promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the digital economy has been a hot issue for Home and Abroad News Press, with the accelerated innovation of the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies, increasingly integrated into the whole process of economic and social development in all fields, the digital economy is developing at a faster speed, with a wider scope of radiation, and with greater influence than ever before. Countries are competing to formulate strategies for the development of the digital economy and introduce incentive policies, and the digital economy has become the main component of international competition.


    She said that today we invited diplomats and representatives from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and other countries, we come to discuss the development of the digital economy for scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation as new opportunities for future strategic choices. This is of great significance, aimed at China and even Eurasian countries to strengthen cooperation in the digital economy to create a platform for exchange and trade.


    In today's world, successful and sustainable urban development depends on effective and modernized governance. Strong governance mechanisms, especially the use of digital tools, allow cities to develop more smoothly and organically. As an international development community, we must increase our influence and cooperation.

  纳米比亚驻华大使凯亚莫阁下(H.E.Mr.Elia G. Kaiyamo)在论坛上致辞

    阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下演讲,他说:“中国市场已经是阿根廷对外贸易的一个重要组成部分,阿根廷企业非常清楚这一点。” 马致远表示,大多数阿根廷企业都对与中国做生意“非常感兴趣”,他也鼓励阿根廷企业将包括重庆企业在内的中国企业作为未来的合作伙伴。他说,阿中经济高度互补。中国不仅是众多优质商品的供应国,同时也是阿根廷产品的重要市场。这种双向互动对于阿根廷出口的持续增长,能源和矿业等领域的发展至关重要。
    Argentine Ambassador to ChinaH.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia said, “The Chinese market is already an important part of Argentina's foreign trade, and Argentine companies are well aware of this.” He continued that most Argentine companies are “very interested” in doing business with China, and he encouraged Argentine companies to consider Chinese companies, including those in Chongqing, as future partners. He said the economies of Argentina and China are highly complementary. China is not only a supplier of many high-quality goods, but also an important market for Argentine products. This two-way interaction is crucial for the continuing growth of Argentine exports and the development of sectors such as energy and mining.

  伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生(Mr.Abolfazl Olamaei Far)在论坛上致辞

    Ambassador of Malta to ChinaH.E. Mr. John Busuttil spoke with confidence in China's ability to achieve its goals. Based on his observations of the Chinese economy, he stated that the Chinese economy is dynamic with many positive factors, and that the strong growth of will also have a positive impact on the European economy.

  巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)先生在论坛上致辞

    马耳他是欧盟27个成员国之一。近年来,中欧之间不断寻求开展更紧密的经济合作,对此,马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下总结道:“欧洲和中国开展良好经济合作,将对世界经济起到显著的促进作用。” 白瀚轩阁下还对每年10月11日的世界中医药日感兴趣,他说马耳他每年有超过20万人利用中医治疗,大使期待马耳他同中国在中医中药领域有深度合作。
    Malta is one of the 27 member states of the European Union. In recent years, closer economic cooperation between China and Europe has been sought, and in this regard, Maltese Ambassador to China H.E. Mr. John Busuttil concluded that: Good economic cooperation between Europe and China will be a significant boost to the world economy. He also expressed his interest in the World Day of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is October 11th every year. Saying that more than 200,000 people in Malta make use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) every year, and he is looking forward to in-depth cooperation between Malta and China in the field of TCM and Traditional Chinese medicine industry.

  墨西哥大使特使--墨西哥经济投资参赞董浩天(Mr.Hector Dorbecker)先生在论坛上致辞

    Ambassador of Namibia to ChinaH.E. Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo began his speech by saying that Namibia needs Chinese companies to invest in the country, but there are some “investment conditions”. He said, if you come from Taiwan, is a Taiwan’spro-independence, we have to drive you out, we do not welcome you in Namibia. We will not make your money even if we are poor and in-need.At that moment, all audience in the forum warmly applauded for his confirmed attitudes and praised this African ambassador as the “truefriend” to China and Chinese people.

  乌拉圭大使特使--乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛(Mr.Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco)先生在论坛上致辞

    Ambassador Kaiyamo said that Namibia is very rich in natural resources. Namibia is rich in mineral resources, including diamonds, uranium, copper and zinc. In particular, the diamond mines in the Namib Desert have brought huge economic benefits to Namibia. The diamond mines here are buried in the desert sand and need to be mined through advanced technology. Namibia looks forward to cooperating with China.


    Deputy Head of Mission of Iran to ChinaMr. Abolfazl Olamaei Far, Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan to ChinaMr. Bilal Mahmood, Cultural Counselor of the Uruguayan Embassy in China Mr. Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco, and Economic and Investment Counselor of Mexican Embassy in China Mr. Hector Dorbecker, and a number of Chinese representatives, including the Vice President of the China Chamber of Commerce for International Cooperation in Private Economy (CCCIE) Mr. Liu Haikang, President of the Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Commerce (HKFIC) Mr. Wang Fusheng, Chairman of the Macao Chinese Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) Mr. Ye Xiaoyangdelivered speeches. They discussed the development opportunities and challenges of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the new era, promoted cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries, further deepened the friendly relations between the international community, and fostered the integration and collision of multiple cultures.


    As the world is entering the “3.0 version of globalization”, the diplomats of various countries gathered in the Greater Bay Area to discuss bilateral and multilateral cooperation, two-way investment and other topics, which will further enhance China's international influence, build up China's international image, and make the construction of “Belt and Road” enter the next phase.

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕高度赞扬马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)的发言

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕高度赞扬伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔(Mr.Abolfazl Olamaei Far)先生的发言


  中外新闻社总裁韦燕高度赞扬巴基斯坦驻华副大使比拉尔•马哈默德(Mr.Bilal Mahmood)先生的发言

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕高度赞扬乌拉圭大使特使--乌拉圭驻华大使馆文化参赞贡扎洛(Mr.Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco)先生的发言


作者:记者 张珈闻 陈怀艺  来源:本网站

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