以色列(State of Israel)是世界上唯一以犹太人为主体民族的国家。以色列对于科学和科技的发展贡献相当大,在遗传学、计算机科学、光学、工程学、以及其他技术产业上的贡献都很出色。全世界都在说以色列很厉害,犹太人很聪明,我们小记者想希望学习以色列人的“大脑”。
Israel is the only country in the world where Jewish people are the majority of the country. Israel's contribution to the development of science and technology is profound and remarkable, especially in genetics, computer science, optics, engineering and other high technology sectors. The whole world shares the same impression that Israel is a powerful country and the Jews people are very smart. Our junior journalists also wanted to learn more from the smart people to boost up their brains.
1月29日下午,中外新闻社2016寒假小记者团如约来到以色列驻上海总领事馆采访副总领事章纳达(Nadav Zysblat)先生。
In the afternoon of January 29th, "Witness Friendship" 2016 Winter Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation came to the Israel Consulate General Shanghai and had an exclusive interview with the Deputy Consul-General Mr. Nadav Zysblat.
小记者问:“你好章纳达(Nadav Zysblat)先生,5天前迎来了中国和以色列建交24周年纪念日。文化交流是增进两国人民友谊的桥梁,请问:你将如何为未来中以文化交流和发展贡献你的智慧和力量?”
A junior journalist asked: “Hello Mr. Deputy Consul. Five days ago, it was the 24th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Israel. Cultural exchange actively promotes the friendship and connection between the two countries. How will you contribute your wisdom and energy to move forward the cultural exchanges between China and Israel?”
“这个问题非常好。中国和以色列正式建立外交关系24年了。然而,我们两个文明古国的友好交往可以追溯到几百年前。现在越来越多的‘上海犹太人’及其子女从世界各地重返‘故乡’寻根、访友、参观、旅游,从而进一步加深了中以人民之间的友好情谊。以色列和中国两个民族都依托他们悠久的历史,在现代社会发展过程中创造了伟大的奇迹,我们要做的工作就是积极传播两国文化。”章纳达(Nadav Zysblat)先生谈到。
“This question is excellent. China and Israel established the diplomatic relationship 24 years ago. However, the two countries have ancient civilization with thousands of years of history. The two countries made friendly exchanges back to hundreds of years ago. Now, more and more “Shanghai Jews” and their children are going back to the “Hometown” for exploring their roots, visiting their friends and relatives, exchanging information or visiting for personal pleasure. Those connections further develop the friendship between China and Israel. Both China and Israel have long history and made such remarkable miracles during the modern society development. We have to actively maintain and promote our culture.” Mr. Zysblat answered.
“Israel is a nation without petroleum or forest, but it has full of intelligence and creativity. Why are Jewish people so smart? How are Israelis parents and schools educating the kids there?”
章纳达(Nadav Zysblat)说,以色列国家对教育非常重视,以色列人为什么很聪明,就是不断的提问题,就像你们今天向我提问一样,还有一个重要的因素:以色列人认为“失败”是非常可贵的事情,以色列家长和学校教育孩子:要不断的尝试,不断的进步。
Mr. Zysblat said that Israel attaches great importance to education. The reason why Jewish people are so smart is because they continuously ask questions, just like all of you asking me so many questions today. This is very important. Also, Israelis people believe that 'failure' is a very valuable thing. The parents and schools in Israel always try their best to explore, develop and emphasize on education for the future generations.”
Another journalist asked: “On May 7th 2015, “Wan Xin Education Cup” for the innovation trip to Israel was formally launched in Hefei, China. This is the first formal exchange program designed for Chinese and Israelis students and youth. Four Israelis students visited Hefei city and participated the event. Many students learnt a lot from the dynamic programs and meaningful exchanges. What other activities will be introduced in the future for Chinese and Israelis students and youth?”
“Thank you very much for your question! Your English is so fluent. I wish my Chinese can be like as fluent as your English. You can really become my teacher. On May 7th 2015, four Israeli young students visited Hefei, and that exchange program was viewed as the classic example of the youth exchange between China and Israel. Every year, Israeli government provides $300 million dollars funding to various groups of students. We can apply for those funding for higher education. You can also choose Israel for your study and exchange programs in the future, especially for the local students in Shanghai. When you return back to shanghai from Israel, you can become the “Israeli Ambassadors” to promote Israel in China.”
采访在非常愉快的气氛中进行,1小时时间,小记者们已经和章纳达(Nadav Zysblat)副总领事成为了朋友,小记者向章纳达表达新年的祝福,并向章纳达赠送新年礼物,共同祝愿:中以友谊万古长青。
The interview went quickly with joyful atmosphere. One hour after, the junior journalists already become the good friends of Mr. Nadav Zysblat. They presented their homemade gifts to him and wish him a happy New Year in Shanghai. At that moment, we all wish the everlasting friendship between China and Israel will be continued in the future!