(中外新闻社小记者 覃俊泽 邓文灏 贺淑媛 吴明燊 桂诗尧 王林熙)提到伊朗,我们就感觉到它与别的国家不一样,神秘、美丽,国民充满智慧,我们对伊朗仰慕已久,因为波斯帝国古老璀璨的文化、古丝绸之路,以及精美绝伦的清真寺建筑,都让我们心向往之!1月23日上午,伴随着北京和煦的阳光,我们小记者团一行来到了伊朗驻华大使馆采访,伊朗驻华副大使阿博尔法兹尔先生及伊朗新闻参赞埃米尔对我们小记者的到来表示热烈的欢迎。
When it comes to Iran, we feel that it is different from other countries, mysterious, beautiful and full of wisdom. We have admired Iran for a long time because of the ancient and brilliant culture of the Persian Empire, the ancient Silk Road and the exquisite mosque architecture, all of which make us very interested in this beautiful country! In the morning of January 23rd, with the warm sunshine of Beijing, our junior journalist delegationcame to the Iranian Embassy in Beijing for an interview, and the Deputy Head of Mission of Iranian Embassy in China Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Faras well as the Press Counsellor Mr. Amir warmly welcomed us.
Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Farfirst led us to visit the Iranian Embassy in China. Through meaningful oil paintings and photographs, he sketched a breathtaking picture: like a ray of warm sunshine, it enlightened a peaceful world with kindness. This borderless language is able to cross many barriers with warming hearts to connect everyonearound the world closely.
Talking about the cooperation between China and Iran, Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Farsaid, “Historically, China and Iran have been closely connected through the Silk Road, and the achievements of the cooperation between the two sides have not only promoted the development of the two countries, but also benefited the countries in Europe and other regions.” He believes that today, the Belt and Road initiativeprovides a new opportunity to promote international cooperation.
Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Farhas lived in China for more than 10 years and is helping Iranian people understand China through his efforts. “I have written several books on China in Persian, and through these texts, many Iranians have been able to gain a better understanding of Chinese history and culture. Because I have always tried to understand and promote Chinese culture.
Talking about Chinese culture, Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Farexpressed that “Chinese culture is vast and profound, and in China, we can touch the cultural linkage that run through the past and present.” He told the junior journalists that he very much hoped that Chinese children and teenagers would also learn more about Iran, pursue their dreams, and while realizing the value of their lives, they would become ambassadors of China and Iranfriendship and make their own contributions to the enhancement of the traditional friendship between the two countries.
In the dialogue session, the Press Counsellor of Iranian embassy in China Mr. Amir exchanged views with the junior journalists, saying that China-Iran relations have a long history, and in today’s world, he believes that the youth of the two countries should continue developing theChina and Iran’s friendship with their wisdom and efforts, feel the diversity of the two ancient civilizations and strengthen exchanges and communication, so as to add new energy and youthful vitality to the relations between the two countries to move forward steadily.
在回答小记者提到“我们的家长选择带我们到伊朗旅游,什么季节去合适时?” 埃米尔先生回答,首先你们去伊朗国家很安全,一年四季去伊朗都可以。伊朗是一个神秘美丽的国家,有很多千年古建筑。
A junior journalist asked: “What is the best season for us to visit Iran if our parents choose to take us there?” Mr. Amir answered that first of all it is safe for you to go to Iran any time, and it is possible to visit Iran in all seasons of the year. Iran is a mysterious and beautiful country with many thousand-year-old buildings.
“The second ‘Impression of China - Iranian Youth Painting Competition’ was held in Tehran, the capital of Iran. We have seen on the Internet that Iranian teenagers have shown their impression of China with their imaginative and creative paintings. May I ask what new vitality will be injected into the future of the friendly relations between Iran and China by Chinese and Iranian teenagers in the ‘Children's Hearts Holding Hands, Friendship Painting Dreams’?” a junior journalist asked.
Mr. Amir said that the second “Impression of China - Iranian Youth Painting Competition” has provided a platform for the youth of Iran and China to show themselves, learn from each other and further enhance friendship. It not onlystrengthens the ties between Chinese and Iranian youth, but also injects new vitality into the continuous development of friendly relations between the two countries.
Before concluding the interview, the Deputy Head of Mission of Iranian Embassy in China Mr. Abolfazl Olamaei Farwelcomed us to Iran for visit. Each of junior journalist presented the new year gifts to the Iranian diplomats, wishing them a happy work and good health in China!
Through the interview at the Iranian Embassy in China, our junior journalists learned a lot about Iran, and we personally felt the wisdom, warmth and friendliness of the Iranian diplomats, which made a great impression of Iran in our minds. Many students expressed their eagerness to visit Iran in the future.Before leaving the embassy, the junior journalists and the Iranian diplomats took a group photo, and everyone cheerfully said: the Friendship between China and Iran last forever!