(中外新闻社小记者 张晨熙 房佳怡 杨函燕 汪嘉辰 吴明燊)卢旺达共和国位于非洲中东部的东非高原上,全境多山,素有“千丘之国”的美称。中国与卢旺达自1971年建交以来,两国在政治、经济、文化领域的交流合作不断向纵深发展。2024年中卢双边关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系,这也标志着两国“真、实、亲、诚”的关系更上一层楼。1月22日上午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者应邀采访卢旺达驻华代理大使澳贾斯丁先生。
The Republic of Rwanda is located in the East African Plateau, and its entire territory is mountainous, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills”. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Rwanda in 1971, the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic and cultural fields have been constantly developing in depth. In 2024, the bilateral relations between China and Rwanda were upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership, which also marks the further development of the relations between the two countries, which are “Genuine, Practical, Friendly and Sincere”. On the morning of January 22nd 2025, "Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation was invited to interview the Chargé d'Affaires of Rwanda Embassy in China, Mr. Augustin Buregeya.
Mr. Augustin Buregeyaand Ms. Wei Yan, President of Home and Abroad News Press, co-hosted the interview. Mr. Augustin Buregeyadelivered a welcome speech. Then, thejunior journalists enjoyed a presentation about Rwanda. In the introduction, there are lakes, mountains, scenery, people, giraffes running in herds, birds and forests, aerial photographs of mountains and ropeways. Seeing those interesting things made the junior journalists slowly fell in love with this African country.
After the introduction presentation, the interview started with the first question: “Hello, Mr. Augustin! It's a great pleasure for our junior journalists to interview you today, because you are an outstanding diplomat. On September 5, 2024, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Beijing Summit and delivered a keynote speech, Xi Jinping declared that China's bilateral relations with all the African diplomatic relations have been upgraded tostrategiclevel, and that the overall positioning of China-Africa relations has been upgraded to the all-weather China-Africa community of destiny in the new era. As anAfrican diplomat, what is your expectation for China and Africa’s friendly relations? Thanks!”
Mr. Augustinsaid that on September 5, 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Rwandan PresidentPaul Kagame, who came to China to attend the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The two heads of state announced that China-Rwanda relations would be upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership. As a Rwandan diplomat, I believe that the people of Rwanda and China share many similarities and respect sovereignty and independence. Rwanda firmly adheres to the One-China policy and supports the realization of China's national reunification, a position based on the friendship and mutual understanding between the two countries. China and Africa have a strong traditional friendship and good cooperative relations, which have withstood the test of time and changesand can be regarded as a model of international relations between developing countries.
A junior journalist asked: “Hello Mr. Augustin! Educational cooperation is an important part of humanistic exchanges and cooperation between China and Rwanda. In 2024, the Rwandan Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. James Kimonyo, and the delegation visited Communication University of China (CUC), Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Wuhan University (WU), and Hubei University of Technology (HUT), etc., and had in-depth talks on the Chinese-foreign cooperative projects in running schools, technical training and other programs. In your opinion, what is the potential for educational cooperation between China and Rwandain future? Thank you!”
澳贾斯丁先生表示: 推动全球南方合作,中卢教育交流合作是关键,中卢双方在共同开拓广阔的教育发展空间。基础教育、职业教育一直是中卢教育合作的重要领域。中国在普及基础教育、发展职业教育等方面有许多成功经验,我们期待中卢双方进一步加强交流合作,让中国经验扎根非洲本土。
Mr. Augustinsaid: China-Rwanda education exchange and cooperation is the key to promote cooperation in the Global South, and China and Rwanda are working together to open up a broad space for education development. Basic education and vocational education have always been important field of China and Rwanda educational cooperation. China has many successful experiences in popularizing basic education and developing vocational education, and we look forward to further strengthening exchanges and cooperation between China and Rwanda, so that China's successful experience can be a great help to Africa.
The youngest junior journalist asked: “Hello Mr. Augustin! I am a junior journalist who loves animals, I think they are so cute, there are many wild animals in Africa and Rwanda, they can live freely in the natural environment. May I ask: How is the Rwandan government committed to the conservation of animals and plantes? How should we protect the endangered wildlife animals? Many thanks!”
Mr. Augustintalked about many animals are disappearing with the continuous expansion of human activities, and the beautiful natural landscape is also seriously threatened as a result. Fortunately, the Rwandan government realizes the importance of protecting the ecological environment and has taken practical and effective measures.In 2017, the country announced a ban on hunting and killing wild animals. This policy covers not only rare species but also common wildlife. The government has taken stringent law enforcement measures to combat illegal hunting and trafficking of wildlife to provide a safe living environment for animals.
After the interview, the junior journalists were pleased to enjoy the delicious food and drinks prepared by the Rwandan Embassy. A group photo and exchange of gifts made such wonderful time and unforgettable memories for junior journalists and the Rwandan diplomats.