(中外新闻社小记者 陈怀艺 邓文灏 杨函燕 谢承昀 王林熙)说起阿根廷,很多人首先想到的就是足球,还有足球先生梅西,阿根廷的足球确实是世界闻名,阿根廷足球队也被称为是足球史上最成功的国家队之一。
When it comes to Argentina, the first thing that comes to the mind of many people is football, and Mr. Football Messi. Argentina's football is indeed world-famous, and the Argentine football team is known as one of the most successful national teams in the football history.
1月24日下午,“见证友谊” --中国中外新闻社小记者2025寒假访问阿根廷大使馆。一进入大使馆门小记者就看见自己的偶像梅西画像和奖杯,顿时热血激情,迫不及待和自己的偶像梅西画像和奖杯合影。
In the afternoon of January 24th, "Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press 2025 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed the Argentine Embassy. The junior journalists were very excited to see the portrait of their idol Messi and the World Cup trophy as soon as they entered the door of the embassy conference hall.
At the beginning of the interview, the Press Officer of the Argentine EmbassyMr. Nicolas made a welcome speech. He welcomed the Chinese junior journalists to visit the Argentine Embassy and firstly invited them to watch the promotional video of the Argentina. Argentina is located in the southeast of South America, east of the Atlantic Ocean, across from the Antarctica Sea, bordering with Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. The country has the presidential system of federal republicanism composed of 23 provinces and the federal capital Buenos Aires. As a multi-ethnic country, the fusion of diverse cultures has infused Argentina with a gene of openness and tolerance.
有小记者问:您好! 中国和阿根廷建交以来,两国关系顺利发展,双方在文化、经贸、教育、科技等领域合作成果显著。你认为:中国和阿根廷两国青少年, 将如何传承中阿建交53年来的宝贵友谊? 谢谢!
A junior journalist asked: Hello, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Argentina, our relationship has developed smoothly, and significant cooperation achievements have been made in culture, economy, trade, education, science and technology. How do you think the youth of China and Argentina will carry on this precious friendship since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Argentia 53 years ago? Thank you!
尼古拉斯先生表示, 中国和阿根廷两国青少年应该多多交流, 互相了解对方文化。随着两国关系的发展, 特别是人文交流日益频繁, 两国关系越走越顺, 两国人民越走越亲。这两个相距遥远的国度, 正用实际行动构建着一座超越文化差异的“桥梁”。
Mr. Nicholas said that the youth of China and Argentina should have more exchanges and understand each other's culture. With the development of the relationship between the two countries, especially the humanistic exchanges, the relationship between the two countries is getting smoother and the people of the two countries are getting closer to each other. These two distant countries are building a “bridge” beyond cultural differences with practical actions.
小记者问:您好!当前排名世界第一的足球队是阿根廷队,在过去几年中展现出了惊人的实力:阿根廷队不仅是2022年的世界杯冠军,也是2019年美洲杯的冠军。在2024年的美洲杯中,阿根廷队继续保持着强势的表现,队长梅西依然是球队的灵魂人物,也是我心目中的偶像。你认为:是梅西的什么凝聚力能带领阿根廷登上世界杯冠军领奖台? 谢谢!
A junior journalist asked: Hello! Argentina is amazing especially the national soccer team: the current number one ranked soccer team in the world is Argentina, which has shown impressive strength in the last few years: the Argentine team is not only the winner of the World Cup in 2022, but also the winner of the Copa América in 2019. In the 2024 Copa America, Argentina continued its strong performance, and captain Lionel Messi is still the soul of the team and an icon in my mind. In your opinions, what is Messi's influence leads Argentina to the World Cup winner positions? Many thanks!
Mr. Nicholas talked about how Lionel Messi won Argentina's Player of the Year award on December 22, 2022, and how he was also honored for the second consecutive year with the highest award in Argentine sport: the Olympia Gold Medal, which was awarded for his outstanding performance at the World Cup in Qatar. Messi has already led Argentina to the top of the world by winning the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. There are still high hopes for Argentina to win the next World Cup, with Messi leading Argentina to recapture the glory like Maradona.
When answering the question “The Chinese New Year has been officially recognized on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. As the foreign diplomat in China, what is your impression about China?” Mr. Nicholas expressed that “The Spring Festival has been inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List, and Chinese culture is enjoying another moment of glory. The Spring Festival is the most profound, rich in content, popular and influential traditional festival in China. I work in China, I've been to Yantai in Shandong, Sanya in Hainan and other cities. First of all, China's safety is recognized all over the world, and China serves as the most desirable destination for foreigners, with every city offering a chance to see the history, taste the food and enjoy the beautiful scenery. It is very pleasant to work and live in China.
在阿根廷大使馆, 小记者们还获得意外的收获:每一个小记者可以拿梅西“世界杯冠军奖杯”和阿根廷外交官合影留念。阿根廷大使馆采访之旅, 小记者们收获满满, 表示:一定请求父母带他们去阿根廷, 亲自感受这个国家神奇的魅力。
In the Argentine Embassy, the junior journalists also got an unexpected reward: each of us took photos with Messi's “World Cup Champion Trophy” and the Argentine diplomats. During the interview with the Argentine Embassy, the junior journalists gained tremendous experience and expressed that they will definitely ask their parents to take them to Argentina to see the magical charms of this country in person.