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“Witness Friendship”2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China interviews with the Ambassador of the Philippines to China Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz

时间:2023-8-26 12:15:34

核心提示:8月11日下午, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问菲律宾驻华大使馆, 同菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下友好交流。...

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)欢迎到访的小记者团领队、中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者 任政刚 刘宝仪 吕平川 张智妍 潘昶惟)8月11日下午, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问菲律宾驻华大使馆, 同菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下友好交流。
    On the afternoon of August 11, “Witness Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation visited the Embassy of the Philippines in China and had a friendly exchange with Ambassador of the Philippines to China H.E. Mr. Jaime A. Florcruz.


    吉米•弗古律斯曾是一名资深记者, 在美国《时代》杂志驻华记者站工作了16年, 然后去纽约工作了一年后又回到中国为CNN工作14年, 因此, 吉米•弗古律斯有30多年的记者经验。在北京语言学院学汉语, 于1977年通过高考进入北京大学历史系学习, 现为北京大学国际校友会会长。2023年4月24日, 吉米•弗古律斯在北京人民大会堂向国家主席习近平递交国书, 正式成为菲律宾共和国驻华大使。
    A former veteran journalist, Ambassador Jaime A. Florcruz worked for Time magazine in China for 16 years, then went to New York City for a year before returning to China to work for CNN for 14 years, so he has more than 30 years of experience as a journalist. He studied Chinese at the Beijing Language and Culture Institute and then took his history program at Peking University through the national university entrance examination in 1977, where he is now the President of the Peking University International Alumni Association. On the afternoon of April 24, 2023, he formally became the Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to China by presenting his credentials to President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

  8月11日下午, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2023暑期访问菲律宾驻华大使馆

    小记者问:“大使阁下您好!您是一位资深的媒体人和外交官, 您在中国生活学习了40年, 有很多中国朋友。你认为:两国青少年, 将如何接过‘接力棒’、传承中菲宝贵的友谊?谢谢!”
    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, Mr. Ambassador! It is a great pleasure for us to have this interview with you today. You are a senior media professional and diplomat who has lived in China for 40 years and has many Chinese friends. In your opinions: how will the younger generations of the two countries continue this precious friendship between China and the Philippines? Thank you!”

    吉米•弗古律斯大使回答:“对于像你们这样的青少年, 我有3点建议:1.你应该保持好奇心, 永远提出问题, 永远不要停止学习对方国的文化;2.你应该有分析的头脑, 仔细思考什么是真的, 什么是假的;3.你应该像现在一样尽早开始记者生涯, 练习写作、沟通技巧以及对他人的同情心, 永远向别人展示你的大爱。
    Ambassador Jaime A. Florcruz answered: “I have three suggestions for teenagers like you: 1. You should stay curious, always ask questions, and never stop learning about the culture of the other country; 2. You should have an analytical mind and think carefully about what's true and what's not true; and 3. You should start as early as possible for your future career like now as a junior journalist, you can practice your writing, communication skills, and empathy for others, always showing your great love to others.

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)向小记者们介绍菲律宾国家情况

    小记者问:“您在北京语言学院学汉语, 1977年通过高考进入北京大学历史系学习。现在, 您是北京大学国际校友会会长。你的中国教育背景令人羡慕。你认为:在菲律宾设立的孔子学院对东南亚国家青年有哪些有价值的文化交流和语言训练?”
    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, Ambassador! You studied Chinese at the Beijing Language and Culture University and enrolled the History program at Peking University through the national university entrance examination in 1977. Now you are the President of Peking University International Alumni Association. You have such profound background in Chinese education. In your opinions: What is the value of the Confucius Institute in the Philippines in terms of cultural exchanges and language training for the youth of Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines?”

  任政刚小记者向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)提问

    “当我问菲律宾学生对中国的感受如何?他们通常对中国的现代化和发达程度感到震惊, 眼见为实--他们都看到了中国的巨大进步。我希望通过交流和教育培训, 让更多的菲律宾人来到中国, 也让更多的中国人来到菲律宾, 让我们充分了解彼此、加深了解。在教育方面, 我们鼓励学生和学校加强交流。鼓励更多人学习汉语。目前, 菲律宾的一些大学和孔子学院开设了汉语课程, 我们需要更多的汉语教师, 我还想带更多的菲律宾学生来中国, 目前我们这里有大约500名学生, 我想在未来几年将这个数字增加一倍或三倍。我也会告诉菲律宾人民为什么学习中文、了解中国是未来的一件重要的事情。” 吉米•弗古律斯大使回答。
    “When I ask Filipino students how they feel about China? They are usually shocked at how modernized and developed China is, and seeing is believing - they have all seen the great progress China has made. I hope that through exchanges and education and training, more Filipino students will come to China and more Chinese will come to the Philippines, so that we can fully understand each other and deepen our understanding. In terms of education, we encourage students and schools to have more exchanges. More people are encouraged to learn Chinese. At present, some universities and Confucius Institutes in the Philippines offer Chinese language courses, and we need more Chinese language teachers, and I would like to bring more Filipino students to China, and at present we have about 500 students here, and I would like to double or triple that number in the next few years. I will also tell the Filipino people why learning Chinese and understanding China is an important part for the future.” Ambassador Jaime A. Florcruz replied.

  刘宝仪小记者向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)提问

    菲律宾位于亚洲东南部, 西濒南中国海, 东临太平洋, 是一个群岛国家, 共有大小岛屿7000多个, 有“千岛之国”之称。通过采访、对话, 小记者们对菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下和菲律宾这个国家有了进一步的了解, 纷纷表示, 有机会一定请父母带自己去菲律宾旅游观光。
    Located in southeastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the Philippines is an archipelagic country with more than 7,000 islands of various sizes, and is known as the "Land of a Thousand Islands". Through the interview, the junior journalists gained a better understanding about Ambassador Jaime A. Florcruz and the Philippine. They all said that they would ask their parents to take them to the Philippines when they have the chance.


    采访结束, 吉米•弗古律斯请小记者在大使馆品尝菲律宾美食:炒米粉、甜点、咖啡、煎饼等, 菲律宾驻华大使馆副总领事唱歌、跳舞, 向小记者展示菲律宾的文化。
    At the end of the interview, Ambassador Jaime A. Florcruz invited the junior journalists to taste the Filipino food at the Embassy: fried rice noodles, desserts, coffee, pancakes, etc. The Deputy Consul General of the Philippine Embassy sang, danced and showed the junior journalists the culture of the Philippines.

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)为小记者签名

    一时间, 歌声、笑声、欢呼声、赞扬声、祝福声久久的回荡在菲律宾共和国驻华使馆……
    At that moment, the sounds of singing, laughing, cheering, praising, and blessing echoed for a long time in the Philippines Embassy......

    最后, 菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下给表现优秀的小记者颁发“优秀小记者(优秀小小外交官)”证书。
    At the end, Ambassador Jaime A. Florcruz presented certificates of “Outstanding Junior Journalist (Outstanding Junior Diplomat)” to all junior journalists.


  邓人和小记者向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)赠送文化礼品

  吕平川小记者向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)赠送“缘聚天下,中菲友好”礼品

  甘明艳小记者向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)赠送文化礼品


  张智妍小记者向菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)赠送文化礼品

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)在“缘”书法上面签名留念

  菲律宾驻华大使吉米•弗古律斯阁下(H.E.Mr.Jaime A.Florcruz)同小记者们欢聚一堂其乐融融

作者:小记者 任政刚 刘宝仪 吕平川 张智妍 潘昶惟  来源:本网站

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