October 13th, Foshan Lingnan Tiandi, Spanish Consulate General in Guangzhou, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in South China Representative Office and Spanish Tourism Bureau in Guangzhou jointly organized the “Spanish Culture Festival”. Spanish national-treasured dance group “IBÉRICA DE DANZA” showed the brilliant performances, flamenco dresses and classical guitar music performances. The attending guests also enjoyed a tasty Spanish-style dinner.
本次活动是西班牙政府为推广其旅游、文化,在世界各地举行的系列交流活动之一,其中中国站在香港、广州和佛山三地举办,作为南中国的国际性地标项目,佛山岭南天地被西班牙驻广州总领事馆选为举办地之一。西班牙驻广州总领事馆总领事Jesús Atienza及西班牙商会华南代表处安河Saul Vazquez会长等出席当晚活动,本刊记者应邀参加。
This festival was supported by the Spanish government for promoting Spanish tourism and culture all over the world. It is a series of activities in many major cities. Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Foshan are the three key locations in China. As an international landmark project in Southern China, Foshan Lingnan Tiandi was chosen as one of the venues by Spanish Consulate General in Guangzhou. The Consul General of Spain in Guangzhou Jesús Atienza and the President of Chamber of Commerce of Spain in South China Representative Office Saul Vazquez attended the evening events. Our journalists were invited to participate as well.
西班牙名称为西班牙王国,是一个位于欧洲西南部的国家,与葡萄牙同处于伊比利亚半岛,东北部与法国及安道尔公国接壤。西班牙是个资源丰富、经济发达的国家,由于受到金融危机的影响,西班牙的各行各业都遭受了沉重的打击,新上任的广州领事馆总领事Jesús Atienza在致词中谈到,他将把自己曾驻俄罗斯等国家任职的经验带到中国来,有信心在任期内促进中国与西班牙在经贸、文化、旅游等各个领域的合作。
Spain is the name for the Kingdom of Spain, located in southwestern Europe and next to Portugal in the Iberian Peninsula. Spain is a resource-rich, economically developed country. With the global and European financial crisis, all industries were heavily impacted in Spain. The new Consul General of Spain in Guangzhou Jesús Atienza said he will utilize his diplomatic experiences he gained from Russia and other countries in China and confidently improve the economic, cultural and tourism exchanges between China and Spain during his term as the consul general.
西班牙商会华南代表处安河(Saul Vazquez)会长也在会上致词,他表示,举办“西班牙文化风情节”是搭建中国和西班牙的文化交流、经贸合作的桥梁,加强相互了解,增强西班牙企业在华投资和开展贸易的信心。西班牙驻广州旅游局代表还在会上介绍了西班牙旅游风光。
the President of Chamber of Commerce of Spain in South China Representative Office Saul Vazquez also addressed during the event, he expressed that “Spanish Culture Festival” can be an excellent bridge for strengthening the economic and cultural exchange between China and Spain. Both countries can enhance mutual understandings about each other and improve the confidence levels of Spanish enterprises for making investments in China or discovering the huge Chinese markets. Spain Tourism Bureau in Guangzhou also presented an introduction about Spanish tourism and its unique tourism resources.
Known as the “National Treasure” dance group of Spain, IBÉRICA DE DANZA has been performing shows in more than 20 countries. The group received the Spain Creative Dance Award, Madrid Best Choreography Award and other major awards, and highly praised by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, Madrid City Hall, Sevan Tis Institute. The attending guests enjoyed Spanish cuisine with the Spanish-style performance, like Spanish dance, Spanish flamenco dress show and flamenco classical guitar music performance. People were all immersed in the unique culture and customs of Spain.