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“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者2025寒假采访古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下

"Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press 2025 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Ambassador of Cube to China H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva

时间:2025-2-24 12:12:17


  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )欢迎到访的中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者 傅钦之 桂诗尧 谢承昀 陈怀艺 王林熙)古巴岛被誉为“墨西哥湾的钥匙”,又被称为“加勒比海的绿色鳄鱼”。古巴是西半球第一个同新中国建立外交关系的国家。建交65年来,在两国历代领导人的亲自缔造、关心和培育下,中古人民间友谊薪火相传。特别值得一提的是2025年1月1日古巴政府宣布:古巴正式获得金砖国家伙伴国地位,这与中国的关系更加密切。1月21日上午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者应邀采访古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下。
    Cuba is known as the "Key to the Gulf of Mexico" as well as the "Green Crocodile of the Caribbean Sea". Cuba is the first country in the western hemisphere to establish diplomatic relations with New China. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 65 years ago, under the direct leadership and guidance of the leaders of the two countries, Chinese and Cuban people have been passing down the traditional friendship from generation to generation. On the morning of January 21st, "Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Ambassador of Cube to China H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva.

  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )致欢迎辞

    上午10点,小记者团进入古巴驻华大使馆,古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下和夫人在门口迎接,并在使馆长廊展厅向小记者介绍古巴历史:古巴革命胜利以来, 面对复杂多变的内外形势和重重困难,在古巴共产党的坚强领导下,古巴人民走出了一条符合本国国情的社会主义道路。白诗德表示,古巴是最早同新中国建交的拉丁美洲国家,古中关系体现了大国与小国的平等相待;展现了社会主义国家间的相互帮助;诠释了中国和拉美国家的相互尊重,是双边关系中的典范。白诗德还表示,中国在世界上发挥了很重要的作用,是当今世界中重要的和平、稳定因素。
    At 10:00 a.m., the junior journalist delegation entered the Embassy of Cuba in China, where Ambassador H.E. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva and his wife greeted the students at the entrance and introduced the history of Cuba to the junior journalists in the gallery of the Embassy. Since the victory of the Cuban Revolution, with the complex and ever-changing internal and external situations and numerous difficulties, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba, the people of Cuba have come up with a road of socialism in line with their national conditions. Cuba was the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with New China, and the relationship between Cuba and China embodies the equal treatment between big and small countries, shows the mutual support among socialist countries as well as the mutual respect between China and Latin American countries; therefore, China and Cuba’s friendship is a model of bilateral relations. Mr. Alberto Blanco Silva added that China has played a very important role in the world and is an important factor of peace and stability in today's world.


    The junior journalists first listened to a detailed introduction to the country of Cuba by the Education Counselor of the Cuban Embassy and watched a promotional video about Cuba. During the interview session, one of the junior journalists asked “Hello Ambassador Silva, you are such outstanding politician and diplomat, you presented your credentials to the President Xi Jinping on January 30, 2024, this is the second time being the Cuban Ambassador to China. You have an impressive diplomatic career as the Director of the Asia and Oceania in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. Now you are the Ambassador of Cuba to China again, in your opinions, how should the younger generations of the two countries continue the precious friendship between China and Cuba? Thank you!”


    “这是一个非常好的问题!” 白诗德大使谈到,首先我们都可以互相的来照顾彼此,展望前途相关、命运与共的未来,古中友好的根基在人民、未来在青少年,所以两国青年一代应成为古中友好征程的领跑者,把古中友好的接力棒接过来、传下去,一定能推动古中友好关系更上一层楼,为两国发展繁荣和人类进步事业做出贡献。
    “This is a very good question!” Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva said “We can all take care of each other and look forward to a future where our futures are related and our destinies are shared, and that the roots of Cuba-China friendship lies in the people and the future lies in the youth, so the younger generations of the two countries should be the frontrunners in the journey of Cuba-China friendship, so that we can surely push up Cuba-China friendly relations to a higher level, and contribute to the cause of the development and prosperity of both countries as well as to all mankind.


    Another junior journalist asked “Hello Ambassador! On November 25, 2024, on behalf of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries, you and Mr. Liu Bin signed a cooperation agreement on archive filing between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of China and Cuba. Under the framework of the agreement, how will you promote and facilitate exchanges and cooperation in diplomatic archives between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs to further deepen the relations between the two countries? Thank you!”


    Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva said that China and Cuba have been continuously expanding and deepening their exchanges and cooperation over the years, opening up bright prospects, and the two countries have achieved fruitful results in diplomatic cooperation. The signing of the diplomatic archives exchange and cooperation has helped deepen the relationship between the two countries, enriched the connection of the shared destiny between China and Cuba, and demonstrated the solid foundation of the relationship between China and Cuba.

  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )同中外新闻社小记者团领队张珈闻友好交流

    “大使阁下您好!2024年12月13日,“纪念首批中国学生赴古巴留学暨中古开启教育合作60周年座谈会”在北京举行。60年前,100多名中国青年奔赴古巴学习,开启了中古两国教育交流合作的进程,他们也成为60年来中古及中拉交流的骨干人才,为发展中国与拉美各国关系发挥了重要作用。您认为:中国和古巴在教育领域还有哪些合作空间?谢谢!” 有小记者问。
    On December 13, 2024, the “Symposium to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Chinese Students Studying in Cuba and China-Cuba Educational Cooperation” was held in Beijing. Sixty years ago, more than 100 Chinese young people went to Cuba for study, which started the process of educational exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, and they have also become the backbone of Sino-Cuban and Sino-Latin American exchanges over the past 60 years. The exchange program has played an important role in the development of China's relations with Latin American countries. In your opinion, what is the potential for educational cooperation between China and Cuba? Thank you!” a junior journalist asked.

  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )向小记者介绍古巴历史和古巴的发展历程

    Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva said that the symposium reviewed the history of Chinese students going to Cuba to study and looked forward to future exchanges and cooperation between China and Cuba in education, culture and other fields. In my opinion: educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Cuba have become a bridge connecting the brotherhood between the two countries, and continue to strengthen humanistic exchanges. Enhancing the understanding and friendship between the youth of both sides and continuously strengthening the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the fields of education and humanities will surely promote the mutual understanding between the two peoples. In addition, we will establish a regular contact mechanism between the two sides, expand mutual visits and exchanges, and jointly promote the establishment of friendly relations between more schools in China and Cuba, support universities to carry out various types of joint training programs to educate more talents with substantive progress in exchanges and cooperation between China and Cuba.


    At the end of the interview, junior journalist Yang Hanyan from Guangxi danced with a beautiful Sanjiang County folk song “Flying to Miao County and Dong Village” at the Cuban Embassy, which received tremendous applause of the Cuban diplomats. Yang Hanyan also invited Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva to sign on a hand-draw picture of Sanyang County to welcome him to her beautiful Chinese ethnic group region. The junior journalists also gave their new year gifts to Ambassador Alberto Blanco Silva and the embassy diplomats. The ambassador's wife prepared Cuban food and drinks for the junior journalists and presented beautiful Cuban mugs to all junior journalists. At that moment, the conference hall of the Cuban Embassy in Beijing was filled with joy and laughter. When taking the group photo, everyone shouted: Long live the friendship between China and Cuba......

  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )在美丽的三江县风景画版上签名






  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )、中外新闻社总裁韦燕同杨函燕展示美丽的三江县风景画

  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )同小记者们友好交流







  古巴共和国驻华大使白诗德阁下(H.E.Mr.Alberto Blanco Silva )及古巴外交官同中外新闻社总裁韦燕携中外新闻社小记者汇聚一堂欢呼:中古友谊万岁

作者:小记者 傅钦之 桂诗尧 谢承昀 陈怀艺 王林熙  来源:本网站

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