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"Witness Friendship" 2017 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the diplomats of Maltese embassy in China

时间:2017-8-9 12:32:11

核心提示:马耳他是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,同100多个国家和地区有贸易关系,欧盟是马耳他最重要的贸易伙伴。今年1月1日,马耳他接任欧盟轮值主席国,不久前成功完成了欧盟主席国的任期。8月4日下午,“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者如约来到同马耳他驻华大使卓嘉鹰的夫人Ann Aquilina和马耳他驻华使馆二等...

    马耳他是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,同100多个国家和地区有贸易关系,欧盟是马耳他最重要的贸易伙伴。今年1月1日,马耳他接任欧盟轮值主席国,不久前成功完成了欧盟主席国的任期。8月4日下午,“见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者如约来到同马耳他驻华大使卓嘉鹰的夫人Ann Aquilina和马耳他驻华使馆二等秘书Daniel Sammut(丹尼尔)先生友好交流。
    Malta is a highly developed capitalist country with trade relations with over 100 countries and regions. The EU is Malta's most important trading partner. Malta took over the rotating presidency of the EU January 1 this year and successfully completed its term. On the afternoon of August 4, "Witness Friendship" 2017 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation came to the Maltese embassy in China and had friendly exchange with the Maltese ambassador's wife Mrs. Ann Aquilina and the Consul of Maltese embassy in China Mr. Daniel Sammut.

    下午2:40分,马耳他驻华大使卓嘉鹰的夫人Ann Aquilina出现在小记者身边,其风度和端庄大气一下吸引了小记者们的目光。Ann Aquilina和使馆二等秘书Daniel Sammut (丹尼尔)先生与小记者们做了深入的沟通与交流。我们谈到了中马友谊、环境保护、文化和旅游等,让小记者们对马耳他以及马耳他和欧盟关系有了新的认识。
    At 2:40 pm, the Maltese ambassador's wife Mrs. Ann Aquilina walked into the meeting room and immediately catch our attention with her grace and elegant temperaments. Ann and Mr. Daniel Sammut made in-depth exchange with the junior journalists. We talked about the friendship between China and Malta, environmental protection, culture, tourism and other issues. The discussion provided a new understanding about Malta's relations with China and the EU to all junior journalists.

    "We welcome Home and Abroad News Press junior journalists to the Embassy of Malta in China. Malta is a very beautiful and dynamic country. Malta has a very rich culture with various historical and cultural features with the influence of Europe, Africa and even the Middle East. Malta has students from all over the world, including Canada, Poland, Brazil and Portugal. The education achievements in Malta are wildly recognized by all EU countries. Furthermore, Malta is also a multi-cultural country."

    Ann Aquilina向小记者介绍:“2015年11月,此前我和丈夫在印度担任马耳他外交官工作。12月,当得知我和丈夫一起能来中国任职,很高兴,很向往。在中国我们到了很多城市,度过了许多美好的时光。”
    Ann told the junior journalists: "My husband and I worked as Maltese diplomats in India before November 2015. In December, I was very happy to hear that we are coming to China to work. We have been to many cities in China, and we had such wonderful time in the places we went."

    在谈到中马青少年如何接过“接力棒”传承两国的友谊时,Ann Aquilina谈到,首先要学会英语,加强交流,互学互鉴,携手努力,共同成长。
    When talking about how to continue the friendship between China and Malta, Ann suggested that as the young generation, we must first learn English well to improve communication and exchanges and then learn from each other's experiences, work and grow together for a brighter tomorrow.

    小记者问:“提起马耳他这个国家,我们脑海里会想到马耳他国旗,马耳他国旗为什么由白、红两色组成,左上角有乔治十字勋章?”Ann Aquilina向小记者解释说:“白色象征纯洁,红色象征勇士的鲜血。乔治十字勋章图案的来历:马耳他人民在二战期间英勇作战,配合盟军粉碎了德、意法西斯的进攻,于1942年被英王乔治六世授予十字勋章。后来,勋章图案被绘制在国旗上,1964年马耳他独立时,又在勋章图案四周加上红边。”
    A junior journalist asked: "When we are looking at the national flag of Malta, we are wondering why it has only two colors, white and red? And what is the meaning behind the George Cross in the upper left corner?" Ann explained: "The white color symbolizes purity, and the red color symbolizes the blood of the soldiers. The George Cross was awarded by the King George VI in 1942 to the Maltese people to recognize their bravery during the World War II to successfully smash the attacks of Germany and Italy to the country. After that, the George Cross was placed on the national flag. When Malta became independent in 1964, we added the red borders around the cross."

    “马耳他被誉为“欧洲后花园” ,是一个全球唯一的“四位一体”国家,集欧州同盟国、欧元区、申根国、英联邦于一身。请您谈谈马耳他国家的文化和旅游。”小记者和Ann Aquilina女士交流。
    “Malta is known as the "Back Garden of Europe", and it is the only country with “Four Combination” entity, including the European Union, the EUR zone, the Schengen zone and the British commonwealth. Could you please share with us about Malta culture and tourism?” a junior journalist asked Ann.

    “You may wonder what is special in Malta? I really wanted to emphasize that Maltese people are very warm and friendly. Malta is also known for its fireworks. Each year, many visitors come to Malta for travel. Last year, for example, about 1.8 million tourists traveled to Malta. In other words, there are more foreigners than our own people. Many people often revisit Malta. When you stand in Malta and look to the boundless sea, it seems that you are standing on a small point to experience an infinite world. I hope that the Chinese people will not only know about Malta, but also go there and feel the beauty of the country so that they can relax their bodies and minds there.”

    提到旅游,马耳他驻华使馆二等秘书Daniel Sammut (丹尼尔)先生也盛赞中国哈尔滨,他去过哈尔滨看雪,那里的冰灯,晶莹剔透,五光十色,犹如童话世界。“但是,我等了一个星期才能看到。”Daniel Sammut (丹尼尔)有趣的说。
    Talking about tourism, Mr. Daniel Sammut highly praised the Winter Festival in Harbin, China. He went to Harbin last time and saw the ice lanterns and sculptures, very crystal clear and colorful, just like the fairy tale world. He laughed and said that: “But I waited for a week to see those ice works because of the cold weather.”

    最后,小记者团领队、中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻请Ann Aquilina女士向小记者提几点建议,Ann Aquilina饶有兴趣的站起来说到:“我要告诉你们的是:我也是一名记者。我给你们提3点:第一,追寻你的梦想;第二,实现“第一”;第三,做好自己,不要让任何人打败。
    Finally, the delegation lead Alan asked for some advices from Ann. Ann delightfully shared her ideas with the junior journalists: “I want to tell you that I was also a news reporter. I can give you three suggestions: first, to have dreams that only belong to you; secondly, to seek your dreams; thirdly, to be yourself and do not let anyone defeat you in anyway.”

    When the interview was over, the junior journalists felt that the visit to the Maltese embassy was truly a happy experience! Maltese diplomats opened our eyes and minds.

    采访马耳他共和国驻华使馆是小记者采访的最后一站,马耳他驻华大使卓嘉鹰的夫人Ann Aquilina和马耳他驻华使馆二等秘书Daniel Sammut (丹尼尔)先生为我们的优秀小记者颁发“优秀小记者”证书。
    Since the Maltese embassy was the last stop for the 2017 summer junior journalist delegation. Mrs. Ann Aquilina and Mr. Daniel Sammut awarded the “Certificates of Excellence” to all delegation members.

    Ann Aquilina盛赞中外新闻社小记者:“你们就是中国未来的‘新闻发言人。’”
    Ann highly praised the junior journalists of Home and Abroad News Press and said: “You are China's future spokesman.”

作者:小记者 王震邦 李一嘉 陈怡佳 付诗雪 陆雅琪  来源:本网站

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