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President of Home Abroad News Press Wei Yan attends UN Summit of the Future:UN Summit of the Future adopts the“Pact for the Future”

时间:2024-9-27 11:58:46

核心提示:9月24日, 联合国未来峰会在纽约联合国总部闭幕, 会议通过了描绘世界未来发展蓝图的《未来契约》, 旨在改革国际治理体系, 振兴多边主义, 以更好应对新时代所面临的诸多挑战...


    (中外新闻社中外新闻网联合国报道)9月24日, 联合国未来峰会在纽约联合国总部闭幕, 会议通过了描绘世界未来发展蓝图的《未来契约》, 旨在改革国际治理体系, 振兴多边主义, 以更好应对新时代所面临的诸多挑战。
    On 24 September, the United Nations Summit of the Futureconcluded at United Nations Headquarters in New York with the adoption of the “Pact for the Future”, a blueprint for the future development of the world, which is aimed at reforming the system of international governance and revitalizing multilateralism, so as to better respond to the many challenges facing the new era.

    第79届联合国大会主席菲勒蒙•扬当天在峰会闭幕致辞中表示, 我们正站在转型的十字路口, 面临着前所未有的挑战, 需要采取集体行动。《未来契约》不仅应对当前的危机, 而且为可持续、公正与和平的全球秩序奠定了基础。他强调, 挑战与机遇并存, 未来掌握在我们自己手中。
    The President of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, Philemon Yang, said in his closing remarks at the Summit that we stood at a crossroads of transformation and faced unprecedented challenges that required collective action. The “Pact for the Future” not only responds to the current crisis, but also laysa strong foundation for a sustainable, just and peaceful global order. He emphasized that challenges and opportunities co-exist side by side and that the future is in our own hands.


    联合国秘书长古特雷斯在致辞中表示, 世界正在经历一个动荡和转型的时期, 必须采取决定性的第一步来更新和改革国际合作。“我呼吁本次峰会考虑进行深层次改革, 以《联合国宪章》价值观为基础, 使全球机构更加合法、公平和有效。”
    UN Secretary-General Guterres said the world is going through a period of disturbance and transformation, and a decisive first step must be taken to renew and reform international cooperation. “I call on this summit to consider deep reforms to make global institutions more legitimate, fair and effective, based on the values of the UN Charter.”


    当天, 未来峰会以协商一致的方式通过《未来契约》及其附件, 涉及可持续发展和发展筹资, 国际和平与安全, 科学、技术和创新及数字合作, 青年和子孙后代, 全球治理变革等五大领域。此次峰会是第79届联大期间备受瞩目的高级别会议, 有约130位国家元首和政府首脑出席, 有240多位来自不同国家、地区及国际组织的领导人或代表在峰会期间发言。以发展中国家为代表的绝大多数国家对加强以联合国及其宪章为核心的多边体系及其各机构的努力表示欢迎与支持。
    On that day, the Summit of the Future adopted the “Pact for the Future”and its annexes, covering five major areas: sustainable development and financing for development; international peace and security; science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and changes in global governance. The Summit was a high-profile, high-level event during the 79th session of the General Assembly, attended by some 130 Heads of State and Government and addressed by more than 240 leaders or representatives of different countries, regions and international organizations. The vast majority of countries, represented by developing countries, welcomed and supported efforts to strengthen the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at its core.


    尼泊尔总理奥利代表最不发达国家集团发言, 呼吁建设一个没有贫富鸿沟的未来。他强调了最不发达国家面临的严峻挑战, 包括饥饿、未兑现的发展援助、气候融资承诺和不断扩大的债务困境。
    Prime Minister of NepalKP Sharma Oli, speaking on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), called for a future free from the divide between rich and poor. He emphasized the serious challenges faced by the least developed countries, including hunger, unmet development assistance, climate finance commitments and expanding debt distress.


    乌干达总理罗比娜•纳班贾代表由134个发展中国家组成的七十七国集团发言时表示, “当前不公平的国际经济秩序给发展中国家带来的重大挑战, 已经达到当今时代最尖锐的程度”。她希望峰会达成的协议能务实解决当前问题并在预期的未来为全球南方提供迎头赶上的机会和能力。
    Prime Minister of UgandaRobinah Nabbanja, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77, which comprises 134 developing countries, said that “the major challenges posed to developing countries by the current inequitable international economic order have reached the most acute level of the present era”. She expressed the hope that the agreements reached at the Summit would provide pragmatic solutions to current problems and provide the global South with the opportunity and capacity to catch up in the foreseeable future.


    本届联大主席菲勒蒙•扬在闭幕致辞中高度评价了未来峰会及其成果, 称这是各国走上更有效、更包容的里程碑。他表示, 峰会的闭幕不是工作的结束, 而是新的开端, 他敦促各国采取切实有效行动, 创造有意义的成果。
    In his closing remarks, the President of the current session of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang, spoke highly of the Summit of the Future and its outcome, describing it as a milestone on the road to a more effective and inclusive process for all countries. He stated that the closure of the Summit was not the end of the work, but a new beginning, and urged countries to take practical and effective action to create meaningful outcomes.


    分析人士认为, 近年来世界动荡不断加剧, 挑战前所未有, 各国需要重新审视现有治理体系。此次未来峰会呼吁重振多边主义, 为新时代全球治理带来机遇。多国专家学者指出, 中国对未来峰会给予旗帜鲜明的支持, 以实际行动深入践行真正的多边主义, 为构建更加公正合理的国际秩序做出重要贡献。
    Analysts believe that the world's turbulence has been increasing in recent years, and the challenges are unprecedented, so countries need to re-examine the existing governance system. The Summit of the Futurecalls for revitalizing multilateralism and bringing opportunities for global governance in the new era. Experts and scholars from many countries have pointed out that China has given its unequivocal support to the Summit, practicing true multilateralism with practical actions, and making important contributions to the construction of a more just and reasonable international order.

    联合国高度重视此次峰会, 希望通过峰会重振多边主义。联合国秘书长古特雷斯称此次峰会为“千载难逢的机会”。他表示, 世界正在经历一个动荡和转型期,“国际挑战的演变速度超出我们解决这些挑战的能力”。
    The United Nations attaches great importance to this summit and hopes that it will revitalize multilateralism. UN Secretary-General Guterres called the Summit “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”. He said the world is going through a period of disturbance and transition and that “international challenges are evolving faster than our ability to address them.”


    联合国称《未来契约》是应对21世纪各种挑战的蓝图, 未来峰会的召开恰逢其时。在全球经济复苏乏力、地缘冲突不断加剧、气候变化和粮食能源危机等挑战交织的今天, 世界不仅需要审视现有的全球治理体系, 也对未来前进方向进行思考。
    The convening of the Summit of the Futurecomes at an opportune time, as the United Nations has called the “Pact for the Future”, a blueprint for addressing the challenges of the twenty-first century. At a time when global economic recovery is weak, geopolitical conflicts are intensifying, and challenges such as climate change and the food and energy crises are intertwined, the world not only needs to review the existing system of global governance, but also to reflect on the way forward.

    波士顿大学全球发展政策研究中心的评论文章称, 近年来发达经济体在全球性危机中缺乏团结的行为, 削弱了人们对多边主义的信心, 而地缘政治动荡进一步破坏了多边秩序。世界呼吁以更广阔的视角审视如何重塑未来多边主义, 未来峰会提供了独特机会。
    According to a commentary by the Center for Global Development Policy Studies at Boston University, the lack of solidarity among advanced economies in recent years during global crises had eroded confidence in multilateralism, while geopolitical turmoil had further undermined the multilateral order. The world was calling for a broader perspective on how to reshape the future of multilateralism, and the coming summit offered a unique opportunity.


    美国卡内基国际和平研究院就未来峰会发表的分析文章指出, 变乱交织的国际形势下, 绝大多数联合国会员国仍支持多边合作, 但各国对于合作由谁主导及具体条款存在分歧。“全球南方”国家不愿再被动“接受”由西方国家主导的世界秩序, 而是呼吁建立更加公正合理的国际秩序、提升自身话语权。
    The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEPI) of the United States published an analytical article on the Summit of the Future, pointing out that under the international situation of chaos and confusion, the vast majority of United Nations member states are still in favor of multilateral cooperation, but there is disagreement among countries as to who should take the lead in the cooperation and the specific terms. The countries of the “Global South” are no longer willing to passively “accept” a world order dominated by the West, but are calling for a more just and rational international order and the enhancement of their own voice.

    习近平主席特别代表、中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅出席联合国未来峰会, 王毅指出, 面对世界百年未有之大变局, 举行未来峰会, 共同发表未来契约, 为世界和平发展凝心聚力, 为人类前途命运擘画蓝图, 具有重要意义。他强调, 我们愿同世界各国携手同行, 推动构建人类命运共同体, 共创更加和平美好的明天。
    The Special Representative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the UN Summit of the Future. He pointed out thatFacing transformation unseen in a century, it is highly relevant that we gather at the Summit of the Future and, together, adopt the Pact for the Future to galvanize our collective efforts for world peace and development, and to map out the future of humanity. He emphasized that China will work hand in hand with countries around the world to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and create a more peaceful and better tomorrow. 


    连日来, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕、副总裁张珈闻在联合国总部同多国人士交流, 他们一致认为:中国致力于搭建国际合作重要平台, 推动与发展中国家在各领域的务实合作, 深入践行真正的多边主义, 为推动全球治理体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展贡献了力量。中国始终真心诚意帮助发展中国家提升自主发展能力, 不附加任何政治条件。中国已向160多个国家提供发展援助, 同150多个国家携手共建“一带一路”, 同100多个国家和联合国等多个国际组织推进全球发展倡议合作, 创设全球发展和南南合作基金, 支持实施150多个项目。中国鲜明提出构建人类命运共同体是新形势下对和平共处五项原则最好的传承弘扬和深化。
    Over the past few days, President Wei Yan and Vice President Alan Zhang of Home and Abroad News Press have exchanged views with people from many countries at the United Nations Headquarters, and they unanimously agreed that: China is committed to building an important platform for international cooperation, promoting practical cooperation with developing countries in various fields, and practicing true multilateralism, contributing to promoting the development of the global governance system in a more just and reasonable direction. China has always been sincere in helping developing countries to enhance their independent development capacity without any political conditions. China has provided development assistance to more than 160 countries, joined hands with more than 150 countries to build the “Belt and Road”, cooperated with more than 100 countries and the United Nations and other international organizations to promote global development initiatives, and created the Global Fund for Development and South-South Cooperation, supporting the implementation of more than 150 projects. China's clear proposal to build a community of human destiny is the best way to carry forward and deepen the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence under the new circumstances.

    UN Summit of the Future adopted the“Pact for the Future”: there is still a long way to go.

作者:中外新闻社  来源:本网站

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