小记者安检后进入罗马尼亚大使馆采访 |
1 月21日,罗马尼亚大使馆是我们采访的第一个大使馆,站在大使馆的门口,便感受到浓浓的欧洲风情,武警给我们推开沉重的雕花大门,一片金碧辉煌映入眼帘,热情的罗马尼亚文化参赞蒂汉•戴安娜微笑的迎接我们,让我们再次感受到罗马尼亚人民的热情。
On January 21st, the Romanian Embassy was the first embassy we visited in the 2014 winter interview series. As we waited outside of the embassy gate, we quickly attracted by the magnificent European architectures. When entering the embassy through the beautifully decorated front doors, the Romanian Cultural Counsellor Mrs. Diana Tihan gave us a warm and delightful greeting. We were deeply embraced by the friendliness of the Romanian people.
小记者在罗马尼亚驻华使馆采访 |
Before starting the interview, Mrs. Tihan gave us a brief introduction and cultural highlights about Romania. Our junior journalists raised many questions with their great interests.
Mrs. Tihan told us that there are 19 pairs of friendship cities between China and Romania. Additionally, the Romanian Cultural Experience Centre will be built in Beijing and open to the public later this year. Each year, about 140 Chinese students are going to study in Romania. This is a great way to enhance friendship exchange and better communication between the two nations.
"What are the advantages to study in Romania after completing high schools in China?", "What is the name of the national flower in Romania?", "What are the significant cultural differences between China and Romania?"……. junior journalists asked many questions during the interview period, Counsellor Tihan was very engaged with our junior journalists and answered each question in great details. She also shared some information about the historical cathedrals, churches, and castles in Romania. She also highlighted that Romania is also a great destination for health and relaxation tourism, farm tours and ski resorts.
小记者提问 |
At the end of the interview, our junior journalists presented their gifts to thank Counsellor Diana Tihan for her time and wonderful host. They wished her well and happy as she spends the year in China. Our junior journalists were motivated to continue the great friendship between China and Romania, and contribute their efforts in promoting peace and friendship around the world.
小记者与罗马尼亚驻华使馆新闻参赞蒂汉·戴安娜(Mrs. Diana TIHAN)愉快欢聚在罗马尼亚使馆 |