小记者在捷克共和国驻华使馆品尝捷克美食 |
认识捷克国家我们是从动画片《鼹鼠的故事》开始。1月23日上午,“见证友谊”中外新闻社小记者团来到了捷克驻华大使馆采访。副大使诺子博(Zbynek Noha) 和新闻官马金(Mr. Martin Hosek)热情地接待了我们。在捷克使馆采访,我们有不一样的体验——现场见证外交官们“改卷”,真是大开眼界。
The first thing our junior journalists knew about Czech Republic is the cartoon animation 'The Mole'. In the morning of January 23rd, the Junior Journalist Delegation arrived at the Czech Republic Embassy for an exclusive interview. The Minister Counsellor Mr. Zbynek Noha and the Press Counsellor Mr. Martin Hosek warmly welcomed us. This time, we had a unique experience during the interview because we had a pop quiz and the answers were personally marked by the Czech diplomats on spot.
袁嘉蓬小记者提问 |
The Czech Republic Embassy is a modern European style building. The elegant background modeling and exquisite crafting techniques are the perfect combination of contemporary and classic art. Our junior journalists were eager to begin the interview after we entered the meeting hall. Junior reporter Lv Xinya started the first question for the Minister Counsellor: "Good morning, when I knew we are going to visit the Czech Republic embassy, I was shocked and very excited! I watched the cartoon 'The Mole' over and over again and I really liked the little mole. My question is that will there be more great animations from Czech Republic for all Chinese children?"
吕馨雅小记者就捷克动画片《鼹鼠的故事》有关问题在提问 |
“《鼹鼠的故事》是捷克非常著名的动画片, 在中国几乎是家喻户晓,陪伴孩子们度过了一个又一个快乐的假期。今后捷克以后还会拍摄更多好看的动画片给中国小朋友看,适合小朋友们看的、积极向上的动画片,加强中国和捷克文化、教育交流。”新闻官回答说。
"'The Mole' is a famous Czech Republic animation production, and almost known by all in China. We will definitely continue to make more motivating, positive, and enthusiastic animations for young audience so that the Chinese kids can also enjoy. We hope to strengthen the cultural and educational communication between China and Czech Republic." The press counsellor answered.
Then, the Minister Counsellor invited us to watch the big screen for a short film, and told us that “there will be a pop quiz at the end of the film. If you get all correct answers, then there will be surprised gifts from Czech Republic for the top students.” The film was about famous people, important events and other special things of Czech Republic. All junior journalists paid their full attentions to the details in the film and they filled the answers with confidence on the pop quiz paper. Ten minutes later, Minister Counsellor Noha and Press Counsellor Hosek quickly and carefully marked the papers on spot.
小记者提问 |
Three junior journalists passed the test and won the top prizes, the big 'Mole' stuffed toys. We congratulated the three winners with applause when they received the gifts from the Czech diplomats.
At the end of the interview, we also tasted delicious Czech cuisine and presented our gifts to the diplomats with our new year wishes to them in China.
捷克驻华副大使诺子博( Mr.Zbynek Noha)及新闻官马金(Mr.Martin Hosek)先生和小记者们愉快的在一起 |