阿斯夫•乌尔•热合曼•汗(Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan)参赞与中外新闻社小记者相聚在巴基斯坦共和国驻华使馆 |
Pakistan can be considered as a good brother to China given the consistent and well-maintained relationship between the two countries. On August 5th, “Witness Friendship” Home & Abroad News Press - 2015 Summer Junior Journalist Delegation to the Foreign Embassies in China were invited to interview to Pakistan embassy in China. Press and Culture Attaché Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan accepted the interview and had a friendly talk with the delegation.
At first, Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan played a short video to the junior journalists about the country and the relationship between China and Pakistan. He highly evaluated the China-Pakistan’s relationship, called “the all-weather partnership”. This friendship will be further enhanced and promoted by the youth in both countries in the future.
In the interview, a junior journalist asked: “Hello, Counselor! It’s our pleasure to have this exclusive interview with you today. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pakistani President Mame Nunn Hussein jointly announced that 2015 is the “Friendship Exchange Year between China and Pakistan”. What events and activities will be organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in China, especially for the young people of the two countries to enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between China and Pakistan so that the everlasting friendship can be carried forward from generation to generation?”
巴基斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻文化参赞阿斯夫•乌尔•热合曼•汗(Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan)向小记者介绍中巴两国文化交流情况 |
The Counsellor said that the Chinese people are the closest friends to Pakistan. Since Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pakistani President Mame Nunn Hussein jointly announced the 2015 Friendly Exchange Year between China and Pakistan, the two sides have organized a series of activities, including youth exchange events between the two countries. Those activities greatly enhanced mutual understanding, trust and friendship between the two countries and brought more people to further develop the friendship between China and Pakistan.
A junior journalist asked: “To the Chinese people who have been to Pakistan before, all of them had a strong feeling: Pakistan is very friendly to China. Chinese face is just like a business card, Chinese people can freely travel to anywhere in the country. They can even buy things without paying money first. Although the people there are not wealthy, they are always very friendly to the Chinese people. Can you please tell us if that is true?”
The Counsellor answered: “Of course, it is true because Chinese people are good brothers.”
Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan also shared his impressions about China with the junior journalists.
刘益帆小记者向巴基斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻文化参赞阿斯夫•乌尔•热合曼•汗(Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan )先生提问 |
张颖萱小记者向巴基斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻文化参赞阿斯夫•乌尔•热合曼•汗(Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan )先生提问 |
赵一俨小记者向巴基斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻文化参赞阿斯夫•乌尔•热合曼•汗(Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan )先生提问 |
罗砚匀小记者向巴基斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻文化参赞阿斯夫•乌尔•热合曼•汗(Mr. Asif-ur-Rehman Khan)赠送书画作品 |