(中外新闻社 中外新闻网 北京报道)2022年2月22日晚上, 应突尼斯共和国驻华代理大使穆斯塔法•阿比德邀请, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕、执行社长刘登臣等前往突尼斯驻华大使馆出席突尼斯文化旅游美食节, 突尼斯国家旅游局联合主办。来宾们在突尼斯美妙的音乐声中, 观看突尼斯美景、享受突尼斯美食, 大家友好交流。
In the evening of February 22, 2022, invited by the Acting Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to China Mr. Mustapha Abid, President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan and Executive Director Mr. Liu Dengchen went to the Tunisian Embassy in China to attend the Tunisian Culture, Tourism and Food Festival, co-hosted by the Tunisian National Tourism Administration. All guests enjoyed the beautiful Tunisian sceneries and delicious Tunisian food, and they had good exchanges with each other during the event.
突尼斯作为古丝绸之路上的一颗璀璨的明珠, 以壮美的自然风景、深厚的文化底蕴、独特的风味美食而闻名世界。
As a bright pearl on the ancient Silk Road, Tunisia is famous all over the world for its magnificent natural sceneries, profound cultural heritage and unique cuisine.
突尼斯驻华代理大使穆斯塔法•阿比德和突尼斯国家旅游局官员等推荐视频的突尼斯的著名景点, 讲述了与这些壮美景点相关的精彩故事, 并带大家共同领略了突尼斯独具特色的工艺品、美食以及风土人情, 让在场嘉宾如临其境地领会了突尼斯别具一格的魅力, 深深地感受到:旅游交流促进民心相通。
Mr. Mustapha Abid and other officials from the Tunisian National Tourism Administration recommended the promotion videos of famous attractions in Tunisia, telling wonderful stories related to these magnificent natural sceneries and unique handicrafts, delicacies and local customs of Tunisia to bring the unique charm of Tunisia to all guests. Tourism exchanges really promote people-to-people bonds.
“我们有信心, 在两三年之内, 突尼斯能够成为中国游客最青睐的旅行目的地之一。突尼斯是地中海地区最大的旅游目的地之一, 我们希望看到更多的中国游客到突尼斯来旅行。” 突尼斯国家旅游局为此次旅游推介会做了细致的安排, 他们邀请北京地区的主要旅行社业内人士和媒体代表, 与突尼斯当地主要旅游机构代表在北京见面并洽谈业务, 多家北京知名国际旅行社及媒体参加了此次活动。同时, 突尼斯国家旅游局也通过与媒体的积极合作, 让更多的中国人民了解突尼斯这个多样的地中海国家。
“We are confident that within two or three years, Tunisia can become one of the most popular travel destinations for Chinese tourists. Tunisia is one of the largest tourist destinations in the Mediterranean region, and we hope to see more Chinese tourists visiting Tunisia.” The Tunisian National Tourism Administration well prepared for this tourism promotion event. They invited many industry insiders and media representatives of major travel agencies in Beijing to meet the Tunisian major local tourism agencies. International travel agencies and media participated in the event for future cooperation to let more Chinese people know about this beautiful Mediterranean country --- Tunisia.