(中外新闻社小记者)8月6日, 中外新闻社小记者团应邀来到阿根廷大使馆采访。进入使馆,小记者们看到昂内尔•梅西宣传版画、世界杯和10号球衣, 大家很兴奋, 不停地举起照相机、手机拍照、合影。阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下在大使馆同前来采访的中外新闻社小记者团展开对话。
On August 6th, Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation was invited to the Argentine Embassy for an exclusive interview. Upon entering the embassy, the junior journalists saw the posters of Lionel Messi, the World Cup, and the number 10 jersey. They were very excited and kept taking photos with their cameras and phones. The Argentine Ambassador to ChinaH.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvia came to the junior journalists and had a talk with them.
阿根廷位于南美洲的东南部, 拥有丰富的自然和文化资源, 是一个充满魅力的国家。阿根廷驻华大使马致远阁下是阿根廷资深外交官, 曾担任阿根廷外交部多边合作司司长、双边合作司司长、阿根廷驻加拿大、阿根廷驻和特立尼达和多巴哥的大使。作为阿根廷驻联合国代表在联合国总部工作了5年, 曾参与组织2011年“77国集团和中国”阿根廷会议和2018年G20布宜诺斯艾利斯会议。
Argentina is located in the southeastern part of South America, with abundant natural and cultural resources, making it a charming country. The Argentine Ambassador to ChinaH.E.Mr. Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salviais a senior diplomat who has served as the Director General of the Multilateral Cooperation Department, Director General of the Bilateral Cooperation Department, and the Ambassador of Argentina to Canada, Trinidad and Tobago. He also worked as the representative of Argentina to the United Nations for 5 years and participated in organizing the 2011 "G77 and China" Argentina Summit and the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires Summit.
马致远大使首先欢迎中外新闻社小记者团的到访, 他认为, 中国和阿根廷两国青少年应该多多交流, 互相了解对方文化。随着两国关系的发展, 特别是人文交流日益频繁, 两国关系越走越顺, 两国人民越走越亲。这两个相距遥远的国度, 正用实际行动构建着一座超越文化差异的“桥梁”。
Ambassador Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salviafirst welcomed the junior journalists. He believed that young people from China and Argentina should have more exchanges and understand each other's cultures. With the development of bilateral relations, especially the increasingly frequent people to people cultural exchanges, the relations between the two countries are getting better and better, and the people of the two countries are getting closer and closer. These two distant countries are building a "bridge" that transcends cultural differences through practical actions.
小记者在同大使见面会上了解到, 在阿根廷拥有3000多名注册学生的孔子学院, 已经成为传播和分享中华文化的一个重要平台, 每年举行的“汉语桥”比赛更是吸引了众多阿根廷学生积极参与。
When taking to the ambassador, the junior journalists learned that the Confucius Institute, which has over 3000 registered students in Argentina, has become an important platform for spreading and sharing Chinese culture. The annual "Chinese Bridge" competition has attracted many Argentine students to actively participate.
两国人民对彼此文化的向往还催生了商业文化市场的繁荣。2014年5月和6月, 中国著名打击乐演奏家李飚和钢琴演奏家郎朗相继在阿根廷的科隆剧院登台表演, 引起轰动。阿根廷国粹探戈今年春节登陆北京卫视, 更是引起不少国内文化产业投资者的关注。
The desire of the two peoples for each other's culture has also led to the prosperity of the commercial culture market. In May and June 2014, renowned Chinese percussionist Li Biao and pianist Lang Lang performed on stage at the Teatro ColónTheater in Argentina with great response. Argentine national quintessence tango landed on Beijing TV during the Spring Festival this year, which also has attracted the attention of many domestic cultural industry investors.
国之交在于民相亲, 民相亲在于心相通。中阿人文交流的实践表明, 丰富的文化交往增进了两国人民的了解, 拉近了彼此间的距离, 让两国友好的理念更加深植于人心。
The friendship between nations lies in people's connections, and people-to-people exchange lies in heart-to-heart communication. The cultural exchanges between China and Argentina showed that rich cultural exchanges have enhanced the understanding of the two peoples, narrowed the distance between them, and made the idea of friendship between the two countries more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
因马致远大使还有重要会议需要提前离开, 在接受小记者赠送来自家乡的工艺品, 有的是精美的图画, 有的是自绘的书画作品, 大使阁下表示收到这些礼物很开心, 这些凝聚着中国青少年对阿根廷国家深厚的感情, 大使阁下与小记者团的各位一一握手合影留念, 欢呼:中阿友谊万岁!
Ambassador Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salvialeft the interview early for his important meeting, he received handicraftgifts,calligraphy and painting worksfrom junior journalists, the Ambassador expressed that he was very happy to receive these gifts, which showcased the deep feelings of Chinese youth towards Argentina. He shook hands and took a group photo with all junior journalists. Everyone cheered: Long live the friendship between China and Argentina!
临行前, 马致远大使还特别推荐阿根廷驻华商务公使克里斯蒂安•索科洛夫斯基先生和大使秘书尼古拉斯•布雷亚先生继续接受小记者们的采访。
Before leaving the embassy, Ambassador Marcelo Gabriel Suárez Salviaspecifically introducedthe Argentine Minister of Commerce to ChinaMr. Cristian NicolasSokolowski, and the Ambassador's SecretaryMr.Nicolas Mariano to continue the interview with junior journalists.
在回答“阿根廷足球以其独特技艺与卓越风范享誉全球。阿根廷的小孩子从小是怎样接受足球训练的?踢足球是如何帮助他们提高学习成绩?”问题时, 尼古拉斯•布雷亚先生说: 阿根廷人的生活中只有足球和烤肉。很多孩子从一岁开始每天就去看球、踢球。如果一个孩子条件很好, 但是很穷, 还会有很多俱乐部资助他, 他们可以给孩子买衣服、买球鞋, 让孩子放学后来球队训练。阿根廷的青少年足球人才对外输送可以成为产业,足见足球后备力量储备扎实。
When junior journalists asked, “Argentine football is renowned worldwide for its unique skills and outstanding style. How do Argentine children receive football training from a young age? How does playing football help them improve their academic performance?”Mr.Nicolas Marianohumorouslysaid that Argentinians only have football and barbecue in their lives. Many children start watching and playing soccer every day from the age of one. If a child has good skills but is very poor, there will still be many clubs supporting him. They can buy clothes and sneakers for the child, and let the child train for the team after school. The export of young football talents from Argentina can become an industry, which shows the solid reserve of football players.
Mr.Nicolas Marianoalso answered questions from junior journalists about Argentina's unique culture and tourism.
在阿根廷大使馆, 小记者们还获得意外的收获:阿根廷少林文化协会及禅心协会为小记者们作了一场精彩的武术表演, 师延豹携洋弟子教小记者打武, 只见小记者在学习武术时,每个动作或关节的活动,都靠验手、眼、身、腿、步的和谐合作,体现每个环节的贯穿,打出去的拳或踢出去的腿都要有一个整体的力气。现场气氛充满刺激和欢乐。
At the Argentine Embassy, the junior journalists also had unexpected program: the Argentine Shaolin Cultural Association and Zen Heart Association gave a wonderful martial arts performance for the junior journalists. Master Carlos Alem and his foreign disciples taught thejuniorjournalists how to fight with martial arts. It was seen that when the juniorjournalists were learning martial arts, every movement relied on the harmonious cooperation of hands, eyes, body, legs, and steps, reflecting the continuity of each link. The punches or kicks they made must have full energy and strength. The atmosphere in the embassy was full of excitement and joy.
阿根廷大使馆采访之旅, 小记者们收获满满, 表示:一定请求父母带他们去阿根廷, 亲自感受这个国家神奇的魅力。
The junior journalists gained tremendous experience in the Argentinean embassy and expressed their sincere request to their parents to take them to Argentina and personally experience the magical charm of this country in the future.