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Home and Abroad News Press hosted a farewell banquet for the Ambassador of Benin to China, H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande

时间:2024-9-18 12:19:29

核心提示:2024年8月25日, 中外新闻社大使俱乐部在北京王府井天伦王朝酒店举行贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下离任招待会。中外新闻社总裁韦燕,加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下携夫人、科摩罗驻华大使毛拉纳•舍利夫阁下携夫人、贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下携家...

  贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)向中外新闻社总裁韦燕赠送礼品

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘登臣 胡树萌)2024年8月25日, 中外新闻社大使俱乐部在北京王府井天伦王朝酒店举行贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下离任招待会。中外新闻社总裁韦燕,加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下携夫人、科摩罗驻华大使毛拉纳•舍利夫阁下携夫人、贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下携家人等出席,招待会由中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻主持。
    On August 25th, 2024, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club hosted a farewell banquet for the Ambassador of Benin to China, H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel in Beijing. President of Home and Abroad News Press Ms. Wei Yan, Ambassador of Ghana to ChinaH.E. Mr. Winfred Hammond and wife, Ambassador of Comoros to ChinaH.E. Mr. Charif Maoulana and wife as well asAmbassador Simon P. Adovelandeand his family attended the reception. The reception was hosted by Mr. Alan Zhang, Vice President of Home and Abroad News Press.

  贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)发表离别感言

    韦燕致欢迎辞。她说,今晚的主人--贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下是一位出色的外交官和政治家。2016年12月19日,西蒙•阿多韦兰德在首都人民大会堂向中国国家主席习近平递交国书,正式成为贝宁驻华大使。贝宁被称为通往西非的 “门户”,在这个重要的位置上,西蒙•阿多韦兰德努力发挥“大使”职能,带着强烈的政治意识、敏锐的发展意识穿梭于中国各大城市和各大专院校,推动中国和贝宁在政治、经济、社会、教育和文化领域合作。世界銀行发布的2017年营商环境报告显示,贝宁排名第155位。在企业创建方面,贝宁排名由上年的第117位上升至57位。阿多韦兰德为中贝经贸发展创造一个良好的商业环境。在任期间,西蒙•阿多韦兰德大使积极推动中贝交流合作,为促进中贝友好关系发展做出了重要贡献。
    President Wei Yan delivered a welcome speech. She said that the honored guest of this evening, Ambassador of Benin to China, H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande is an outstanding diplomat and politician.On December 19, 2016, he formally became the Ambassador of Benin to China by handing over his credentials to Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Benin is known as the “gateway” to West Africa with important geographic location, Ambassador Adovelandeplayed the full function of “ambassador”withstrong political awareness and development mindset. He visited many major cities, universities and colleges to promote political, economic, social, educational and cultural exchanges between China and Benin. The 2017 Doing Business report released by the World Bank ranked Benin as the 155th place. In terms of business creation, Benin ranked at the 57th, up from the117th of the previous year. Ambassador Adovelande has created a favorable business environment for the development of China-Benin trade and economy. During his term of office, he has actively promoted exchanges and cooperation between China and Benin and made significant contributions to the development of friendly relations between China and Benin.

  中外新闻社大使俱乐部举行贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)离任招待会

    Wei Yan said that Ambassador Adovelande is leaving his office by the end of August, He has spent nearly eight fruitful and interesting years in China with countless good memories of China, many unforgettable experiences and the friendships we have made with many friends here will be deeply imprinted in his memory. We wish he and his family all the best on their way back to their home country.

  加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下(H.E.Mr.Winfred Hammond and)在招待会上致辞

    晚宴上, 贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande)致辞, 他对各界朋友在他担任大使期间, 推动贝中友好关系发展做出贡献表示诚挚的谢意。他说, 贝中两国在文化、历史和学术等领域有着深厚渊源。在过去的50年当中, 中国和贝宁之间的友好交流显著增加, 两国在贸易、经济、农业、人文交流等各领域均取得了丰硕的合作成果。2013年中国提出“一带一路”倡议, 更是为两国的合作注入了新的动力和机遇。
    During the dinner, Ambassador of Benin to ChinaH.E. Mr. Simon P. Adovelande also delivered a speech, in which he expressed his sincere gratitude for the contributions made by friends from all walks of life to promote the development of friendly relations between Benin and China during his tenure as the Ambassador in China. He said that the two countries have deep roots in culture, history and academia. Over the past 50 years, friendly exchanges between China and Benin have increased significantly, and the two countries have achieved fruitful cooperation in trade, economy, agriculture, humanistic exchanges, etc. The “Belt and Road Initiative” put forward by China in 2013 has created new momentums and opportunities for cooperation between the two countries.

  科摩罗驻华大使毛拉纳•舍利夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Charif Maoulana and)在招待会上致辞

    He said that I got to know Home and Abroad News Press the day I came to China as the ambassador, and I am also one of the founders of Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club. In recent years, I got to know the ambassadors of many countries through the Ambassadors Club, and I also went to Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shantou, Qingyuan, Changsha and other cities with the Ambassadors Club. I have had fruitful results in obtaining information, expanding the space for cooperation and realizing win-win projects in the Ambassadors Club.

  韦燕总裁向加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下(H.E.Mr.Winfred Hammond and)颁发中外新闻社大使俱乐部任职证书

    席间, 西蒙•阿多韦兰德大使愉快的回忆起2021年1月27日下午, 中外新闻社前往贝宁共和国驻华使馆捐赠防疫物品的情景,疫情期间中贝两国政府和两国人民守望相助, 与其他国家相比做出了表率, 为推动中国同贝宁、同非洲全面合作伙伴关系进一步深入发展发挥了重要作用。
    During the dinner, President Wei Yan and Ambassador Adovelanderecalled that on the morning of January 27, 2021, Home and Abroad News Press and Global Pharmaceutical Trading Center went to the Beninese Embassy to donate COVID-19 medical supplies. During the pandemic, the governments and people of China and Benin stood by each other, set an example compared to other countries, and played an important role in promoting the further development of the comprehensive cooperative partnership between China and Africa.

  韦燕总裁向科摩罗驻华大使毛拉纳•舍利夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Charif Maoulana and)颁发中外新闻社大使俱乐部任职证书

    As Ambassadors of African countries, Ambassador of Ghana to ChinaH.E. Mr. Winfred Hammond andAmbassador of Comoros to ChinaH.E. Mr. Charif Maoulanaalso spoke at the banquet and they thanked Ambassador SimonAdovelandefor recommending them to Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club and they felt that Ambassador Adovelandehas super powers and great wisdom and has set an example compared to other countries.

  韦燕总裁、张珈闻副总裁、贝宁大使等祝贺加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下(H.E.Mr.Winfred Hammond and)、科摩罗驻华大使毛拉纳•舍利夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Charif Maoulana and)加盟中外新闻社大使俱乐部

    媒体外交是当今世界许多国家十分重视的一种外交形式,积极开展媒体外交, 有利于所在国的形象在世界范围内传播。至今已有96国大使在大使俱乐部平台上相互交流, 获取资讯。中外新闻社以此为契机, 拓展合作, 实现共赢, 为世界和平、稳定与发展注入正能量。
    Media diplomacy is a form of diplomacy that many countries in the world attach great importance to, and the active development of media diplomacy is a great way to promote a country’s influence in the international community. So far, 96 ambassadors have jointed the Ambassadors Club and actively communicated with each other. Home and Abroad News Press takes this opportunity to expand cooperation and realize win-win situation, injecting positive energy for world peace, stability and development.

  韦燕总裁在贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)离任招待会上致辞

    贝宁大使现场非常感动, 大使说, 我们同中外新闻社的友谊我们永远铭记, 中外新闻社是一个伟大的媒体。中外新闻社大使俱乐部为各国大使表达各自的观点、思想、方案提供平台, 加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下、科摩罗驻华大使毛拉纳•舍利夫阁下当晚从韦燕总裁手上接过大使俱乐部任职证书后表示:“我们大使会把中外新闻社大使俱乐部当成为一个交流、沟通、成长的大家庭,珍视所有中国这片土地给我们留下的回忆。这是一片拥有着多元文化和丰富自然多样性的土地, 也是一片充满商机和巨大人民潜力的土地, 终将为中国人民乃至全世界创造无限的机遇。”
    The Ambassador of Benin was very touched during the dinner, saying that we will always remember our friendship with Home and Abroad News Press, and it is a great media. Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club provides a platform for ambassadors to express their views, ideas and programs. Ambassador of Ghana to ChinaH.E. Mr. Winfred Hammond andAmbassador of Comoros to ChinaH.E. Mr. Charif Maoulanareceived the membershipcertificates of the Ambassadors Club from Ms. Wei Yan, and said that: “We ambassadors will take the Ambassadors Club as a family for exchanging, communicating, and growing up together. We cherish all the memories that China has given us. This is a land of diverse cultures and rich natural diversity, and a land full of business opportunities and great potentials, which will eventually create unlimited opportunities for the Chinese people and the whole world.

  中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻接受贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)赠送的礼物,共同回忆在一起的时光

  中外新闻社执行社长刘登臣同贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)愉快的在一起

  中外新闻社常务副总编胡树萌接受贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)赠送的礼物

  中外新闻社社务会副主席向贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)赠送礼品

  贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)同加纳驻华大使温弗雷德•哈蒙德阁下(H.E.Mr.Winfred Hammond and)

  出席贝宁驻华大使西蒙•阿多韦兰德阁下(H.E.Mr.Simon P.Adovelande)离任招待会的各界嘉宾

作者:记者 刘登臣 胡树萌  来源:本网站

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