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Speech by Ambassador of Türkiye to China, H.E.Mr.Ismail Hakki Musa for the 22nd Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press

时间:2024-2-29 11:40:21

核心提示:土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔·哈克·穆萨阁下(Ambassador of Türkiye to China, H.E.Mr.Ismail Hakki Musa)在中外新闻社成立22周年庆典上的致辞...

  土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔·哈克·穆萨阁下(Ambassador of Türkiye to China,H.E.Mr.Ismail Hakki Musa)致辞

    Ms.Wei Yan, the President of Home and Abroad News Press,
    Distinguished Ambassadors and Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    It is a privilege for me to stand before this distinguished audience today as one of the recipients of the “News Person of the Year” award. I would like to convey my sincere thanks to “Home and Abroad News Press” for honoring me with this award. I find it particularly noteworthy that this prestigious award has been granted since 2009 to almost 100 foreign Ambassadors by a well-established and influential organization which was founded more than two decades ago. Since its establishment, Home and Abroad News Press, under Ms. Wei’s active leadership and wise guidance, has been a reputable trademark in the Chinese media sector. This was achieved by promoting “news diplomacy” and contributing to the cooperation between China and various countries through a wide range of media activities.
    今天,我很荣幸作为 "中外新闻社年度新闻人物 "获奖者之一站在各位尊敬的贵宾面前,我衷心感谢中外新闻社授予我这个奖项。我特别值得注意到,自 2009 年以来,这个成立于二十二年、具有良好声誉和影响力的国际媒体已向近百名外国大使颁发了这一殊荣。 自成立以来,在韦燕总裁的积极领导和睿智指导下,中外新闻社一直是中国媒体界享有盛誉的商标。这得益于 "新闻外交 "的推动,以及通过广泛的媒体活动为中国与各国的合作做出的贡献。
    The role of media in diplomacy is indispensable in the information age we are living in. Through the lenses of journalism, storytelling and digital platforms, media transcends geographical boundaries, offering a more accurate perspective of our increasingly interconnected world. The role of media is also vital to obtain and broadcast correct, unhindered information about other countries and cultures. This will help to dispel various myths, misconceptions and prejudices, counteract propaganda and prevent the spread of false, biased news. This is a common yet unfortunate phenomenon that we all observe. A very recent example of this one-sided reporting is the coverage by certain western media organs of the ongoing crisis in Palestine. Media is indeed one of the most effective sources for understanding the real dynamics of complex crises, as the one in Gaza. As long as the international community has access to unbiased and real time information, greater pressure for upholding peace will be exerted. I therefore believe that media should always follow the moral compass of humanity.
    在我们所处的信息时代,媒体在外交中的作用不可或缺。通过新闻、讲故事和数字平台,媒体超越了地理界限,为我们这个日益相互联系的世界提供了更准确的视角。 媒体的作用对于获取和传播有关其他国家和文化的正确、无障碍的信息也至关重要。这将有助于消除各种误传、误解和偏见,抵制宣传,防止虚假、有偏见的新闻传播。这是我们都能看到的一种常见但不幸的现象。 最近,某些西方媒体机构对巴勒斯坦持续危机的报道就是这种片面报道的一个很好的例子。媒体的确是了解复杂危机(如加沙危机)真实动态的最有效来源之一。只要国际社会能够获得公正和实时的信息,就会对维护和平施加更大的压力。因此,我认为媒体应始终遵循人类的道德准则。
    As diplomats, we are primarily responsible for enhancing the inter-state and people-to-people relations. We also have the duty to promote and enhance the public image of our respective countries. Therefore, media plays a significant role in our job. In this vein, it is mutually beneficial to forge closer bilateral cooperation between media corporations; especially with regards to news coverage. As the Turkish Ambassador in Beijing, I am pleased to witness that we have already established such fruitful partnerships between Türkiye and China in the media sector. And we are aiming to increase them in the period ahead. Without doubt, this cooperation will increase the mutual understanding between our countries and peoples and will bring us closer.
    Please allow me to once again express my gratitude to “Home and Abroad News Press” for selecting me to receive the “News Person of the Year” award. I also would like to thank my dear friend Ms. Wei and the members of the Home and Abroad News Press for organizing this wonderful event. I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful New Year and festive season.
    请允许我再次对《中外新闻社》评选我为 "年度新闻人物 "表示感谢。我还要感谢我的好友韦燕女士和中外新闻社的所有员工组织了这次精彩的活动。祝大家新年快乐、身体健康、工作顺利、阖家幸福、万事如意。

作者:伊斯梅尔·哈克·穆萨  来源:本网站

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