(中外新闻社小记者 房佳怡 胡凯文 胡宸 王鹤凝 邓文灏)有着西非“天府之称”的尼日利亚国家, 得益于当地丰富的石油资源储量, 经济发展十分迅速, 已经成为非洲最大的经济体。2024中非合作论坛在中国举行, 同时, 也是中国和尼日利亚建交53周年。50多年来, 两国在政治、经贸、人文、卫生和安全等领域的务实合作成果丰硕, 为两国和两国人民带来了巨大利益。1月22日下午, “见证友谊”--2025寒假中外新闻社小记者团应邀采访尼日利亚驻华使馆新闻部长帕特里克•埃比•吉米先生。
Nigeria, known as the “Heavenly Capital” of West Africa, has become the largest economy in Africa with its rich oil reserves and rapid economic development.2024 The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held in China, which marks the 53rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Nigeria.Over the past 50 years, the two countries have enjoyed fruitful practical cooperation in the fields of politics, trade and commerce, humanities, health and security, bringing great benefits to the two countries and their peoples. On the afternoon of January 22nd, "Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press 2025 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with Minister of Press of Nigerian Embassy in China Mr. Patrick Ebi Jimmy.
下午三点, 帕特里克•埃比•吉米和其他外交官进入使馆会议厅, 欢迎中外新闻社小记者团前来采访, 并向小记者一一问候。首先邀请小记者观看尼日利亚宣传片, 希望小记者能够了解尼日利亚、到美丽的尼日利亚来旅游, 感受其多彩的风光和文化。
At 3pm,Mr. Patrick Ebi-Jimmy and other diplomats entered the embassy conference hall, welcomed the junior journalists and greeted them one by one. The junior journalists watcheda promotional video of Nigeria to learn more about Nigeria and its colorful sceneries and culture.
有小记者问: 您好部长先生, 我们小记者能采访您感到非常高兴。尼日利亚总统博拉•提努布在出席2024年中非合作论坛峰会指出: 尼日利亚与中国虽然相隔遥远, 但两国在许多方面有着显著的相似之处。请问: 您将如何为进一步推动中尼两国友好关系的健康发展贡献自己的智慧和力量? 谢谢!
A junior journalist asked: Hello Minister! It is a great pleasure for us to interview you today. The President of Nigeria Mr. Bola Tinubu attended the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2024, pointed out that although Nigeria and China are far apart, the two countries share remarkable similarities in many aspects. As the Ambassador to China, how will you contribute your wisdom and efforts to further promote the friendly relations between China and Nigeria? Thank you!
帕特里克部长谈到, 中国是我们学习的榜样, 中尼两国有很多相似之处, 尼日利亚需要深化与中国的双边关系, 在“一带一路”倡议和中非合作论坛框架下扩大尼日利亚建设。只要我们不断努力, 加强合作, 尼日利亚国家就会迎来快速发展。
Minister Patrick said that China is a role model for us to learn from, and there are many similarities between China and Nigeria, Nigeria needs to deepen bilateral relations with China and expand Nigeria's construction under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). As long as we continue to work hard and strengthen cooperation,Nigeriawill have rapid development.
有小记者问: 尼日利亚是非洲重要的国家之一, 孔子学院在尼日利亚著名的纳姆迪•阿齐克韦大学成立, 助力了尼日利亚人民通过学习中文认识中国、了解中国, 不断深化两国人民友谊, 并逐渐成为中尼、中非交流合作的重要桥梁和纽带。您认为: 中国同尼日利亚在教育领域还有哪些合作空间? 谢谢!
A junior journalist asked: Nigeria is one of the important countries in Africa, and the Confucius Institute at Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Nigeria has helped the Nigerian people to know and understand about China through learning Chinese, deepened the friendship between the two countries and gradually become an important bridge for China-Nigeria and China-Africa exchanges and cooperation. In your opinions, what is the potential for educational cooperation between China and Nigeria? Thank you!
帕特里克部长谈到, 尼日利亚有孔子学院, 学院积极传播中国文化, 尼日利亚与中国各领域往来频繁, 文化交流也越来越密切, 现在尼日利亚在中国留学达2万人, 中国也同样有许多人到尼日利亚留学。教育援助作为大国对外政策的重要领域, 无疑是培育国家软实力的重要途径之一, 非洲是中国教育援助的重点区域, 不仅促进非洲教育发展, 而且提升中国在非洲软实力。
Minister Patrick said, Nigeria has the Confucius Institute to actively spread Chinese culture, Nigeria and China have frequent exchanges in various fields, cultural exchanges are getting closer and closer, and now Nigeria has 20,000 students studying in China, and there are also many people from China studying in Nigeria. As an important field of foreign policy of big countries, education assistance is undoubtedly one of the important ways to cultivate national soft power, and Africa is the key area of China's education assistance, which not only promotes the development of education in Africa, but also enhances China's soft power in Africa.
帕特里克部长表示, 奥贡州首府是非洲最著名的文化中心地, 1986年诺贝尔文学奖获得者沃莱索因卡出生在阿贝奥库塔。尼日利亚的文化财富得到了世界的公认, 其文化的丰富和多样性是长居于这片土地上, 并与其1.4亿人民的盛情一同使得尼日利亚成为世界上有着丰富旅游潜力的目的地之一。
Minister Patrick also said the capitalof Ogun State is Africa's most renowned cultural center, with 1986 Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Wolesoyinka, born in Abeokuta. Nigeria's splendid culture is recognized by the world, the richness and diversity of its culture is long lived in this land, and with the hospitality of its 140 million people makes Nigeria one of the world's hottest tourism destinations.
采访结束, 来自广西的小记者杨函燕合着优美的三江民族音乐, 在尼日利亚大使馆跳起了三江民族音乐《飞向苗乡侗寨》, 赢得了在场尼日利亚外交官的阵掌声。杨函燕邀请帕特里克部长在三江美丽的画版上签名, 小记者们也把自己准备的新年礼物赠送给尼日利亚外交官, 一时间: 歌声、笑声、音乐声、赞扬声、掌声回荡在尼日利亚大使馆, 小记者们挥动中国、尼日利亚国旗, 欢呼: 中尼友谊万岁!
At the end of the interview, Yang Hanyan, a junior journalist from Guangxi, danced with the beautiful Sanjiang County folk music in the Nigerian Embassy for the Nigerian diplomats. She also invited Minister Patrick to sign on the beautiful picture plate of Sanjiang County, and all junior journalists presented the Chinese New Year gifts to the Nigerian diplomats. At that moment, the songs, laughter, music and applauses echoed in the Nigerian Embassy, and the junior journalists waved the Chinese and Nigerian flags and cheered: the friendship between China and Nigeria last forever!