(中外新闻社小记者 王鹤凝 贺淑媛 房佳怡 韦林希 吴明燊)乌拉圭位于南美洲东南部, 毗邻阿根廷、巴西和大西洋, 为南美洲国家联盟的成员国。乌拉圭虽然面积不大, 但却拥有着丰富的自然资源和良好的社会环境。其出口农业和以人为本的治理方式, 让乌拉圭成为了南美洲的稳定之国, 也为国家的经济和文化发展奠定了坚实基础。乌拉圭拥有得天独厚的自然风光和稳定的社会环境, 因此被誉为“南美瑞士”。
Uruguay is located in the south-east of South America, bordering with Argentina, Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean, and is a member of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). Despite its small size, Uruguay is endowed with rich natural resources and a favorable social environment. Its export agriculture and people-centered governance have made Uruguay a stable country in South America, and have laid a solid foundation for the country's economic and cultural development. Uruguay's natural beauty and social stability have earned it the nickname "Switzerland of South America".
1月21日下午三点, “见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者2025寒假采访团应邀采访乌拉圭大使特使--乌拉圭驻华使馆文化参赞贡扎洛(Mr. Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco)先生,贡扎洛先生和使馆外交官在大使馆热情接待我们, 并和小记者们友好交流。
At 3 pmof January 21st,"Witness Friendship" – Home and Abroad News Press 2025 Winter Junior Journalist Delegation was invited to interview the special envoy of the Uruguayan Ambassador,the Cultural Counsellor of Uruguayan Embassy in China, Mr. Gonzalo Exequiel Castillo Gasco. He and the embassy diplomats warmly received us at the embassy entrance, and had friendly exchange with the junior journalists.
Mr. Gonzalo began by showing a promotional video of Uruguay to the junior journalists, a country known for its pleasant climate, beautiful beaches, rich cultural heritage and friendly inhabitants. Uruguay is rich in history, culture and nature, with cities such as Montevideo, the capital, Colonia del Sacramento and Punta del Este each having their own specialties. Tango, Uruguayancuisine, UNESCO-certified historical monuments, football museums, etc. from the Uruguay promotional video made the junior journalistsa burst of admiration.
To start the interview, a junior journalist asked: “Hello, Mr. Gonzalo! It is a great pleasure for us to interview you today. You are an experienced diplomat, and we see diplomat’s wisdom and energy in you. In your opinions, how will the younger generations of the two countries continue the precious friendship established between China and Uruguay over the past 36 years? Thank you!”
贡扎洛先生说,“非常感谢你的问题。” 贡扎洛谈到,为了让两国青少年更好地传承中乌36年来建立宝贵的友谊,首先需要双方了解对方的国家的文化,还有风土人情,还有很多的城市、独特的建筑,总之两国青少年一定要了解对方的国情,建议在网上也可以交流。
“Thank you very much for your question!”Mr. Gonzalo said: in order for the youth of the two countries to better carry on the valuable friendship established between China and Uruguay over the past 36 years; first of all, it is necessary for both sides to understand the culture of each other's country, as well as local customs, and many cities, unique architecture, in short, the youth of the two countries must learn more about each other's country, and it is recommended that we cancommunicate or exchange informationthrough the Internet anytime.
Another junior journalist asked: Hello,Mr. Gonzalo!I am a football enthusiast. I’m very interested about the performance of Uruguayan football players in the international games. The Uruguayan national team won the 2023 FIFA U20 World Cup with a victory score of 1:0 over the Italian team. In 1930 FIFA World Cup, Uruguay became the first World Cup champion after defeating Argentina 4:2 in the final game. In the 1950 World Cup, Uruguay won the champion again. What are the competitive strengths of the Uruguayan national football team? Thank you!
贡扎洛谈到,足球是乌拉圭国运的象征。乌拉圭人的骄傲不仅来自他们曾经拥有过的荣誉, 也来自他们多年来的坚守、奉献和努力。足球也成为了国家文化遗产的一部分, 人民的生活离不开足球这个话题。乌拉圭足球的强大是建立在青训强大的基础上, 乌拉圭儿童从小踢足球, 家长们又当裁判又当教练, 每个乌拉圭男孩在会走路时, 从父母那里得到的第一个礼物都是足球。在乌拉圭, 几乎所有男孩都热爱踢球。为了满足孩子们的踢球欲望, 乌拉圭足协设计了职业和业余两大层面的足球体系。
Mr. Gonzalomentioned that football is a symbol of Uruguay's national heritage. The pride of the Uruguayan people comes not only from the honors they have had, but also from their perseverance, dedication and hard work over the years. Football has become part of the country's cultural heritage, and the people's lives are inseparable from football. The strength of Uruguayan football is based on the strength of youth training. Uruguayan children play football from an early age, with parents acting as referees and coaches, and every Uruguayan boy receives a football ball as his first gift from his parents when he is old enough to walk. In Uruguay, almost all boys love to play football. In order to satisfy this desire, the Uruguayan Football Associationhas designed a football system with two tiers: professional level and amateur level.
“Hello,Mr. Gonzalo! In recent years, Uruguayan artists have frequently come to China to show their art works, reflecting the unique charm of different cultures. Through art exhibitions, Uruguayans and Chinese people have become closer to each other and have become a window of civil-exchange between China and Uruguay. The unique charm of Uruguay is also known as the “Pearl of South America”, Chinese tourists are full of expectations for visiting Uruguay and learning more about Uruguayan culture. If our parents take us to Uruguay, what is the best time to visit Uruguay? Thank you!” asked by another junior journalist.
贡扎洛表示,这是一个很好的问题! 乌拉圭是世界上唯一一个游客量比居民量还要多一倍的国家,我们接待大多数是拉丁美洲的游客,当然也会有来自美国、欧洲的游客。现在也有很多的中国游客去到乌拉圭旅游,我们也诚挚的邀请大家去乌拉圭了解更多我们的体育资源、旅游资源。我想介绍的就是乌拉圭最有特色的节日“狂欢节”,就像中国的新年。乌拉圭是个非常安全的国家,乌拉圭还有很多的联合国教科文组织宣布的文化遗产、人类遗产,乌拉圭的美食也非常丰富,特别是奶制品质量非常好。乌拉圭还有很完善的动植物体系,在那里可以和很多小动物接触。乌拉圭是一个充满魅力的国家,人民的足球情结和美丽原生态的环境,足以让小记者向往去乌拉圭旅游。其实一年四季都可以到乌拉圭旅游。
Mr. Gonzaloexpressed that this is a very good question! Uruguay is the only country in the world that has twice as many tourists as residents. We receive most tourists from Latin America, and of course there are tourists from the United States and Europe as well. There are also many Chinese tourists traveling to Uruguay, and we sincerely invite everyone to visit Uruguay to learn more about our sports and unique tourism. What I want to introduce is Uruguay's most distinctive festival ‘Carnival’, just like the Chinese New Year. Uruguay is a very safe country. Uruguay also has many cultural and human heritages declared by UNESCO. Uruguay has abundant and tasty cuisines, especially the quality of dairy products. Uruguay also has a well-established flora and fauna system, where it can contact many small animals. Uruguay is a country full of charm. People love football and environment; this will make you want to go to Uruguay in the future.
“Hello Ambassador, I have heard that Uruguayan children are among the happiest in the world, with only three hours of schooling a day, free fruits and tablet computers offered by schools, no tuition fees, and teachers dressed up as Santa Claus and gives the children Christmas gifts. Is that true? Is there no homework for elementary school students during the holidays? Thank you!”
Mr. Gonzalo said your question is very interesting, Uruguay currently maintains a GDP per capita of around $14,000USD, has a very well-developed education sector with a teacher ratio of 56%, nine years of free and compulsory education, and free tuition at public universities and colleges. Primary school students attend only four hours of classes everyday and spend the rest of the day outside the classroom participating in sports programs, the school provides them with tablets to give them better access to the Internet and some of the things that they will enjoy. For me, I think that Uruguay's education is very good.
The interview was completed in a friendly atmosphere, Mr. Gonzalo also signed with great interest on the picture plate of Sanjiang County scenery displayed by junior journalist Yang Hanyan. The excellent performance of the junior journalists made great impression to Mr. Gonzalo and many other diplomats; they also presented their new year gifts to Mr. Gonzalo. The embassy also prepared the Uruguayan food and drinks for the delegation. When taking a group photo, everyone cheered: long live the friendship between China and Uruguay!