In the morning of August 2nd, after the opening ceremony, the Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation made their first stop at the Argentine Embassy in China.
阿根廷是南美洲国家联盟、20国集团成员和拉美第三大经济体。阿根廷是世界上综合国力较强的发展中国家之一。8月2日, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者团采访阿根廷驻华使馆文化参赞Juan Cortelletti先生、新闻官María Florencia Rossi女士、教育官María Noel Borsellino女士。
Argentina is a member of the South American Union and the G20, and it is the third largest economy in Latin America. Argentina is also one of the strongest developing countries with comprehensive national strength. On August 2nd, the Cultural Counsellor of the Argentine Embassy in China Mr. Juan Cortelletti, the Press Officer Ms. Maia Florencia Rossi and Education Officer Ms. Maria Noel Borsellino welcomed the junior journalist delegation at the embassy.
小记者的第一个问题由阿根廷驻华使馆文化参赞Juan Cortelletti先生回答。“今年4月1日,中国国家主席习近平在华盛顿会见阿根廷总统马克里时谈到,双方要扩大文化、教育、科技、青年、体育等领域交流。你认为:我们青少年应该如何接过“接力棒”传承中阿两国的友谊?”小记者问。
The first question was answered by the Cultural Counsellor of the Argentine Embassy in China Mr. Juan Cortelletti, “Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Argentinean President Mauricio Macri in Washington D.C. on April 1st this year. Both leaders agreed to expand the exchange and collaboration in many fields, such as culture, education, technology, youth development and sports. In your opinions, as teenagers in the two countries, how will we continue developing the traditional friendship between China and Argentina?” the junior journalist asked.
Juan Cortelletti先生谈到,今年4月1日,中国国家主席习近平在华盛顿会见阿根廷总统马克里,阿根廷总统表示阿方愿加强同中方在国际事务中合作,支持中国成功主办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会。关于两国青少年应该如何交流,我觉得阿根廷大使馆目前已经成为中阿青少年交流的桥梁,两国青少年应互相了解,产生兴趣,然后寻找共同点。我们让在阿根廷学习的中国学生要确保他们获得学历证书,还有我们可以像今天一样,两国青少年面对面的交流,你们的英语很好,我相信,我们的交流会很顺利。
Mr. Juan Cortelletti answered, on April 1st this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Argentinean President Mauricio Macri in Washington D.C. He expressed the willingness to cooperate with China in the international affairs and supported China to be the host country for the G20 Summit in Hangzhou this year. Regarding to the youth exchange between the two countries, the Argentine Embassy has already become the bridge for the youth exchanges between China and Argentina. We will ensure that the Chinese students in Argentina will receive their official certification after completing their education there. Just like us today, the students and youth can be communicate face to face in the future. Your English is very good. I believe our talk will go smoothly.
“I’m a football fan and pay close attention to the Argentine football team in the World Cup games. Could you please share your views about the Argentinean national team’s status with us?”
针对阿根廷队在美洲杯中的失利和梅西退出国家队这两个焦点新闻,向新闻官María Florencia Rossi女士询问阿根廷国家队目前情况。María Florencia Rossi女士表示,大家都希望梅西能够回归国家队,而且也相信这只是时间的问题。只是原国家队的主教练退出,现在正在物色新教练。阿根廷球队曾获得多项荣誉,2届世界杯冠军,14届美洲杯冠军和1届联合杯冠军。虽然今年错失美洲杯冠军,但是小记者们期待这支富有传奇色彩的球队重振旗鼓后强势回归!
When talking about Argentine football team’s loss in the Copa America and Messi's retire from the national team, Press Officer Ms. Maria Florencia Rossi expressed her feelings about the Argentine national football team. We all hope Messi would come back to the national team, I believe this is only the timing issue. The national football team is looking for a new coach now. This team has received so many honors in the past, including 2 World Cup Championships, 14 Copa America Championships and one FIFA Confederations Cup Championship. Although the team lost the Copa America game this year, the junior journalists are looking forward to seeing the strong return of this incredible football team in history.
2016年是“中阿文化交流年”,两国的众多领导出席了今年3月的开幕式。教育官María Noel Borsellino女士向小记者们介绍了不同的活动,做了一个简短而又完整的预告。活动主要分为三个板块——舞蹈、音乐和视觉艺术。阿根廷的舞蹈队和乐队都应邀来中国巡演。中阿还互相展览美术作品,其中有一幅《能量与时间》有10米长,它用宣纸和墨汁画成,结合了许多中国元素。两国艺术家也互相交流——举办音乐会。大家都希望中阿两国之间文化交流活动越来越多。
2016 is the “China-Latin America Year of Cultural Exchange”. Many leaders from China and Argentina attended the opening ceremony in March. The Education Officer Ms. Maria Noel Borsellino introduced different activities with a short trailer. The activities are grouped into three main categories: dancing, music and visual arts. Argentine dance group and music bands will come to China for tour performance. The two countries will also organize the art exhibitions. The artists from both countries will also have a chance to exchange and communicate with each other through concerts. We all hope to have more and more cultural exchange programs between the two great countries.
采访活动在小记者们向外交官赠送的一件件礼品中进入尾声。这些或大或小、或稀奇或普通的礼品承载着小记者们的美好祝愿。最后,Juan Cortelletti先生拿出了代表着阿根廷足球灵魂的国际足球巨星迭戈•马拉多纳10号球衣大照片、梅西的10号球衣,小记者们纷纷拿来合照。
At the end of the interview, the junior journalists presented gifts to the Argentine officials. Those gifts expressed their wonderful wishes. Mr. Juan Cortelletti took out the famous Messi’s No. 10 jersey for the junior journalists to take photos together.
China and Argentina are far from each other, the people in the two countries never be apart.