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2024 Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation Interviews Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov

时间:2024-2-9 9:20:27

核心提示:地处东欧和西亚“十字路口”的阿塞拜疆是古丝绸之路沿线的重要一站。古往今来, 阿塞拜疆优越的地理位置吸引着不少商贾和游客, 也造就了这里多元融合的文化, 阿塞拜疆和中国人民的交往历史可以追溯到古丝绸之路时期。2月2日上午, 中外新闻社2024寒假小记者团如约采访阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下...

  阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)向中外新闻社韦燕总裁赠送阿塞拜疆文化礼品

    (中外新闻社小记者 杨毅城 姚霖悦 方礼辰 吴凯航 王林熙)地处东欧和西亚“十字路口”的阿塞拜疆是古丝绸之路沿线的重要一站。古往今来, 阿塞拜疆优越的地理位置吸引着不少商贾和游客, 也造就了这里多元融合的文化, 阿塞拜疆和中国人民的交往历史可以追溯到古丝绸之路时期。2月2日上午, 中外新闻社2024寒假小记者团如约采访阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下。
    Azerbaijan, located at the "crossroads" of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is an important connection hub on the ancient Silk Road. In the morning of February 2nd, 2024 Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation had an exclusive interview with the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China H.E. Mr. Bunyad Huseynov.

  2月2日上午,中外新闻社2024寒假小记者团如约采访阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)

    小记者采访的阿塞拜疆驻华大使馆是新建的大使馆, 新馆大楼是阿塞拜疆在国外最大、最宏伟的建筑之一。这座建筑以现代建筑风格、民族风格完美结合而著称, 再次体现了阿塞拜疆对发展对华关系的重视。小记者们进入后, 四处观看, 非常好奇, 现场会议厅不仅有很多阿塞拜疆美食, 还有多名阿塞拜疆国家电视台记者和外交官, 小记者们期待见到阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下, 因为他很年轻、很有智慧。
    The Embassy of Azerbaijan in China, where the junior journalists performed the interview, is a newly constructed embassy, and it is one of the largest and grandest Azerbaijani embassy buildings abroad. The embassy building is known for its perfect combination of modern architectural style and national customs, which once again reflects the importance Azerbaijan attaches to the development of relations with China. The junior journalists entered the embassy and looked around with great curiosity. The conference hall not only had a lot of delicious Azerbaijani cuisine, but also a number of Azerbaijani National Television journalists and diplomats, and the junior journalists were looking forward to meeting Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China H.E. Mr. Bunyad Huseynov, who is a young diplomat with great wisdom.

  阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)向小记者介绍阿塞拜疆国家情况

    胡赛诺夫大使向小记者介绍了阿塞拜疆国家, 他说, 阿塞拜疆位于欧亚大陆交界处的南高加索地区东部的总统制共和制国家。胡赛诺夫大使接受中外新闻社小记者团采访时, 娓娓道出古丝绸之路连接起来的阿中友谊。
    Ambassador Huseynov introduced Azerbaijan to the junior journalists, saying that Azerbaijan is a presidential republic state located in the eastern part of the South Caucasus region at the junction of the Eurasian continent. He reflected the long-lasting friendship between Azerbaijan and China connected by the ancient Silk Road while talking to the junior journalist delegation.

  韦燕总裁同阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)小记者友好交流

    小记者问:“您好, 尊敬的大使阁下!我们小记者能采访您感到非常高兴。您是一位年轻出色的外交官, 作为阿塞拜疆驻华大使, 您将如何在你的任期内推动中国和阿塞拜疆关系健康向前发展?你认为:两国青少年, 将如何接过‘接力棒’、传承中阿建交32年来的宝贵友谊?谢谢!”
    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, Dear Ambassador! It is a great pleasure for us to have this interview with you. You are an outstanding diplomat! As the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to China, how will you promote the solid development of China-Azerbaijan relations during your term in Beijing? In your opinions, how will the youth of the two countries carry on the valuable friendship between China and Azerbaijan over the 32 years of diplomatic relations? Thank you!”


    胡赛诺夫大使谈到, “感谢您的提问。我首先要告诉你的是, 今天你的采访问题会在我们阿塞拜疆国家电视台和其他媒体报道, 希望你和其他的小记者都能成为促进中国与阿塞拜疆之间交流沟通的友好使者。再一次感谢你关注阿塞拜疆!”
    Ambassador Huseynov spoke, “Thank you for your questions. First of all, I would like to tell you that today your interview will be also covered by Azerbaijani state television and other media, and I hope that you and other junior journalists will become friendly ambassadors who will promote exchanges and communication between China and Azerbaijan. Once again, thank you for paying attention to Azerbaijan.”


    胡赛诺夫大使说, 阿塞拜疆距离中国很远, 但是阿塞拜疆和中国有着非常深厚的友好关系。阿塞拜疆学校设有中文课, 阿塞拜疆的朋友们可以用中文交流。在我们的共同努力下, 2023年12月20日, 首都机场正式恢复往返阿塞拜疆首都巴库的航班。大使认为中国与阿塞拜疆关系发展迅速, 不是每天, 而是每小时都在蓬勃发展。他对双边关系持乐观态度, 相信两国将迎来非常美好的未来。
    Ambassador Huseynov continued that although Azerbaijan is very far from China, Azerbaijan and China have very deep and friendly relations. There are Chinese classes being taught in Azerbaijani schools, and Azerbaijani friends can communicate in Chinese. With our joint efforts, on December 20, 2023, the Beijing capital airport officially resumed flights to the capital city of Azerbaijan Baku. I believe that China-Azerbaijan relations are developing rapidly and flourishing not just day, but by every hour. He is optimistic about bilateral relations with a very bright future ahead.


    胡赛诺夫大使表示, 大使的工作就像一座桥梁, 连接两国的友谊, 在座的各位小记者, 你们也是连接阿中两国友谊的桥梁。
    Ambassador Huseynov expressed that the work of an ambassador is like a bridge connecting the friendship between two countries, and all the junior journalists here, you are also a bridge connecting the friendship between Azerbaijan and China.


    “您好大使阁下, 孔子学院在阿塞拜疆设立孔子课堂是开展语言教学、加强人文交流、促进民心相通的重要平台, 这是中阿人文交流的一件大事, 是中阿两国教育合作的一项重要成果。你觉得:中国同阿塞拜疆在教育领域还有哪些合作空间?谢谢!”有小记者问。
    “Hello, Dear Ambassador! Opening the Confucius Institute in Azerbaijan, which is an important platform for language teaching, promoting cultural exchanges and interpersonal relationships. This is a milestone in China-Azerbaijan exchanges and an important achievement of the educational cooperation between China and Azerbaijan. What do you think the educational cooperation potential between China and Azerbaijan? Thank you!” Another junior journalist asked.


    胡赛诺夫大使说, 孔子学院在阿塞拜疆设立孔子课堂是开展语言教学、加强人文交流、促进民心相通的重要平台。2023年10月23日, 阿塞拜疆开设了首家孔子课堂, 双方共同见证中阿两国文化教育交流与合作的一项重要成果, 相信里海大学孔子课堂将为阿塞拜疆汉语爱好者们更好地学习中文、了解中国文化, 为两国人民增进友谊、民心相通做出积极贡献。现在阿塞拜疆的高等教育机构有3000个中国学生在阿塞拜疆留学, 相信他们也会给中国的朋友介绍阿塞拜疆。
    Ambassador Huseynov said that the establishment of Confucius Classroom by Confucius Institute in Azerbaijan is an important platform for language teaching, strengthening humanistic exchanges and promoting interpersonal relationships. On October 23, 2023, the first Confucius Classroom was opened in Azerbaijan, and the two sides witnessed an important achievement of cultural and educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Azerbaijan, and it is believed that the Confucius Classroom of the Caspian University will make positive contributions to the Chinese language enthusiasts of Azerbaijan for better learning of Chinese language and understanding of Chinese culture, and to further enhance friendship and people-to-people communication between the two countries. Now there are 3,000 Chinese students studying in Azerbaijan's higher education institutions, and I believe they will also introduce Azerbaijan to their Chinese friends.

  姚霖悦小记者向阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)赠送中国文化礼品

    “您好大使阁下, 你上任阿塞拜疆驻华大使职位, 去过中国多个城市, 你请你谈谈您对中国的印象。谢谢!”小记者问。
    “Hello, Dear Ambassador! After you took the Ambassador position, you have visited many cities in China, could you please tell us about your impressions of China? Thank you!” a junior journalist asked.

  杨毅城小记者向阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)赠送中国文化礼品

    “我在中国第一次访问的是西安市, 西安是中国的一座古老的城市, 也是丝绸之路的起点, 我能够看到西安市的发展, 这座城市是一种历史和现代的融合。我去上海之后, 没法儿不爱上这个城市, 上海这个历史性的建筑特别宏伟, 上海外滩夜幕降临, 黄浦江两岸的夜景是那么的迷人, 各种彩色灯光把两岸的建筑照的流光溢彩。我有一个儿子, 一个女儿, 他们都非常喜欢上海!”
    “My first visit in China was to Xi'an, an ancient city in China and the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, I was able to see the great development of Xi'an, the city joining history and modernity. After I went to Shanghai, I couldn't help but fall in love with this city. The historic buildings in Shanghai are particularly magnificent, and the night view on both sides of the Huangpu River is so fascinating, with all kinds of colorful lights illuminating the buildings on both sides of the river. I have a son and a daughter, and they both love Shanghai very much!”

  刘乐奕小记者向阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)赠送书画作品

    胡赛诺夫大使还谈到他去过深圳等中国多个城市, 深圳城市规划合理, 建筑漂亮, 特别是景点建设独具匠心, 我也喜欢深圳这座城市。深圳的成就证明了中国人具有卓越的奉献精神和创造能力。
    Ambassador Huseynov also talked about his visit to many cities in China, including Shenzhen, which is a city of modern urban planning, beautiful architecture, especially the highly designed attraction spots. I also like Shenzhen. The remarkable achievements of Shenzhen proved that Chinese people have excellent dedication and creativity.

  吴凯航小记者向阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)赠送“缘”书画作品

    采访会上, 小记者一面品尝阿塞拜疆的糖果和食物, 一面就感兴趣的阿塞拜疆旅游同胡赛诺夫大使友好交流, 大使从孩子们的脸上看到了喜悦的气氛。小记者们把自己准备的小礼物赠送给胡赛诺夫大使和其他外交官, 胡赛诺夫大使也向小记者们回赠送阿塞拜疆纪念品。
    At the interview, the junior journalists tasted Azerbaijani sweets and cuisines, and they exchanged views with Ambassador Huseynov on Azerbaijan tourism, and he saw the joyful feelings from the children's faces. The junior journalists presented their small gifts to Ambassador Huseynov and other embassy diplomats; in return, Ambassador also presented the souvenirs of Azerbaijan to the junior journalists.

  阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)愉快的为小记者签名

    采访结束, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕同来自澳门的小记者吴凯航、来自上海的小记者刘乐奕、来自广州的小记者曾家皓接受阿塞拜疆国家电视台记者现场采访。一时间, 阿塞拜疆驻华使馆会议厅祝福声、欢笑声汇聚一堂, 合影时大家齐声欢呼:中阿友谊万岁……
    At the end of the interview, Wei Yan, President of Home and Abroad News Press, together with junior journalists Wu Kaihang from Macao, Liu Leyi from Shanghai, and Zeng Jiahao from Guangzhou, were interviewed by Azerbaijani National Television. At that moment, the conference hall of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in China was filled with joy and warm wishes. When taking the group photo, everyone said it loudly: the friendship between China and Azerbaijan last forever......

  蔡易雯小记者向阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)赠送中国文化礼品

  刘乐奕小记者向阿塞拜疆驻华大使胡赛诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)赠送书画作品










作者:小记者 杨毅城 姚霖悦 方礼辰 吴凯航 王林熙  来源:本网站

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