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核心提示:8月9日, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期前往斯洛伐克驻华大使馆采访彼得•利扎克大使...

  斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)欢迎中外新闻社总裁韦燕率小记者团到访

    (中外新闻社小记者)斯洛伐克是中东欧近年来发展最为迅速的国家之一, 是中国—中东欧国家合作的重要国家。斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克历任斯洛伐克共和国政府办公室国际关系部门主任、斯洛伐克驻瑞士大使馆一等秘书、斯洛伐克驻奥地利大使馆公使衔参赞、外交和欧洲事务部全球事务司司长、欧洲安全与合作组织安全委员会主席、外交部欧盟对外关系和机构司司长、外交和欧洲事务部全球事务司司长、斯洛伐克共和国驻德国特命全权大使、外交和欧洲事务部分析与规划司司长、斯洛伐克共和国驻奥地利特命全权大使。2023年4月24日, 彼得•利扎克在北京人民大会堂向习近平主席递交国书, 正式成为斯洛伐克共和国驻中和华人民共和国特命全权大使。8月9日, “见证友谊”--中外新闻社小记者2024暑期前往斯洛伐克驻华大使馆采访彼得•利扎克大使。
    Slovakia is one of the most rapidly developing countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in recent years, and it is an important country in China-CEE cooperation. Ambassador of Slovakia to China Peter Lizak was Director of the Department of International Relations at the Office of the Government of Slovakia, First Secretary of the Embassy of Slovakia in Switzerland, Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy of Slovakia in Austria, Head of the Department of Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Chairman of the Security Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Head of the Department of EU External Relations and Institutions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Department of Global Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Director of the Department of Analysis and Planning of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Ambassador to Germany as well as Ambassador to Austria. On April 24, 2023, he presented his credentials to President Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and became the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to China. On August 9th, “Witness Friendship”- 2024 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalists had an exclusive interview with Ambassador Peter Lizak.

  苏棨森小记者告诉斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)自己是一名足球运动爱好者,大使赞扬

    下午3:15分, 彼得•利扎克大使缓缓地步入会议厅, 一一的向小记者们问候。由于采访时间正直巴黎奥运会举办时间, 彼得•利扎克大使首先和小记者聊聊奥运会。他说, 你们应该感到骄傲, 中国队几乎包揽了巴黎奥运会全部乒乓球奖项, 值得全世界人民赞扬。当大使同一个喜欢足球的小记者交流时说, 太好了, 我也是一个足球爱好者, 中国的孩子和中国的球队应该成为全球足球事业的一股力量。中国有这么大的人口, 人们对于足球这么热爱, 所以在这里, 我希望家长和老师能够支持孩子们, 使他们能够喜欢足球, 期待中国足球的未来充满无限可能。
    At 3:15 p.m., Ambassador Peter Lizak slowly stepped into the conference hall, and he greeted to the junior journalists one by one. Because it was during the Paris Olympic Games, Ambassador Peter Lizak started the interview by talking about the Olympic Games. He said that you should be proud of the fact that the Chinese team has won almost all the prizes in table tennis at the Paris Olympics, which deserves to be praised by the world. When the ambassador talked to a junior journalist who likes soccer, he said, “Great! I am also a soccer fan, Chinese children and Chinese teams should become a new force in the global soccer business. China has such a big population and people are so passionate about soccer, so here I hope parents and teachers can support children so that they can enjoy playing soccer and look forward to a future full of unlimited possibilities for soccer in China.

  阳思怡小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)介绍自己和所在的城市和学校

    进入采访环节, 有小记者问: 尊敬的大使阁下您好! 我们小记者能采访您感到非常高兴。您是一位资深的外交官, 2023 年4 月24 日, 您向中国国家主席习近平递交国书, 正式成为斯洛伐克驻华大使。作为斯洛伐克驻华大使, 你认为: 两国青少年, 将如何接过“接力棒”、传承中斯宝贵的友谊? 谢谢!
    In the interview, a junior journalist asked: Hello Dear Ambassador! This is our honor to have this interview with you today. As a senior diplomat, you presented the credential to Chinese President Xi Jinping and became the Ambassador of Slovakia to China on April 24, 2023. In your opinions, how can the young people of the two countries to carry on the precious friendship between China and Slovakia? Thank you!

  吴承浩小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)提问

    “谢谢你的问题! 对于青少年来说, 首先需要寻找目标, 并且相信自己, 努力实现自己的目标。两国青少年需要了解对方国家文化, 与文化在交流中得到共鸣,并且致力于中斯两国友好的初心使命。”大使满怀信心的谈到。
    “Thank you for your question! For young people, the first thing they need to do is to find their goals, believe in themselves and work hard to achieve their goals. The youth of both countries need to understand each other's cultures, to resonate with them and to commit themselves to the original mission of friendship between China and Slovakia.” The Ambassador spoke with confidence.

  叶静璇小记者同斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)握手致意

    “大使阁下您好! 今年1月10日, 您率领使馆官员访问北京外国语大学, 您表示, 北外是斯洛伐克驻华使馆和斯洛伐克高等教育的重要合作伙伴, 请问: 未来中国和斯洛伐克的教育合作领域还有哪些发展空间? 谢谢! ”
    “Hello Dear Ambassador! You led embassy officials to visit Beijing Foreign Studies University on January 10th this year. You expressed that BFSU is an important partner of the Slovakian Embassy in China for higher education. In your opinions, what is the future potentials for educational cooperation between China and Slovakia? thank you!”

  陈怀艺小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)提问

    大使说, 此次我们访问北京外国语大学进行深度交流, 北外是斯洛伐克驻华使馆和斯洛伐克高等教育的重要合作伙伴, 现在已经有很多的青少年在互相交换留学。刚刚才签了一个名单, 就是斯洛伐克的学生能够来到中国的大学来交流, 这个交流的项目是从今年的9月到明年的6月, 各位小记者, 如果你们英文足够好, 然后也愿意的话, 以后也可以申请到斯洛伐克的大学去交流。那里没有高考制度, 学生的假期也会比中国多很多, 青少年们有更多的时间发展自己的兴趣爱好。
    The Ambassador said, this time we visited Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) for in-depth exchanges, BFSU is an important partner of the Embassy of Slovakia in China and Slovak higher education, and now there are a lot of young people studying abroad on exchange programs. We have just signed a list of students from Slovakia who can come to Chinese universities for exchange, and this exchange program will run from September this year to June next year, so if you are good enough at English and willing to do so, you can apply for an exchange program at a Slovakian university in the future. There is no college entrance examination system, and students have more vacations than in China, so young people have more time to develop their own hobbies.

  方茗萱小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)介绍自己和所在的城市和学校

    有小记者问: 您好, 大使阁下! 斯洛伐克是欧盟国家, 距离中国很远, 斯洛伐克的学校与中国有什么不同? 斯洛伐克的小学生一年有几个假期? 他们会不会有很多的家庭作业? 放暑假可不可以做自己喜欢的事情? 谢谢!
    The youngest journalist asked: Hello Ambassador! Slovakia is an EU country, which is far away from China. What is the difference in school education system between Slovakia and China? How many holidays do Slovak schoolchildren have per year and do they have a lot of homework like we do? Many thanks!

  斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)盛赞苏奕菲赠送的书画作品

    大使在回答小记者问题时首先告诉小记者, 我是一个“学霸”, 我在学校从小学到大学, 考试都是名列前茅, 曾经在斯洛伐克经济大学贸易学院、莫斯科国际关系学院、国际问题研究院(英国)、牛津大学国际问题研究院(英国)、马歇尔安全研究中心(德国), 在夸美纽斯大学法学院被授予博士学位。所有在院校、机构学习期间, 考试成绩都是名列前茅的, 我认为, 这就是斯洛伐克教育成功的一面。
    Before answering the question, the Ambassador first told thejuniorjournaliststhat I was a “schoolmaster”, that I had always topped all exams at school, from elementary school to university. I completed my study at the Faculty of Trade of the Slovak University of Economics, at the Moscow Institute of International Relations, at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (United Kingdom), at the Institute of International Studies of Oxford University (United Kingdom), at the Marshall Center for Security Studies (Germany) and received a PhD degree at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University. In all the periods of study at universities, my marks were among the best, which, in my opinion, is one of the successful aspects of education in Slovakia.

  王林熙小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)赠送书画作品

    大使说, 在斯洛伐克读书的时候, 我每天上课的时间就是早上8点到下午1点, 剩下的时间都是玩。一般在下课完放学之后, 大使先生就会去踢足球, 打乒乓球等等。在睡觉之前, 然后就是快速的把今天要写的作业把它做一下就可以了。关于学习, 我教你们两个秘诀: 第一, 学习要有目的性, 要选定自己的目标。第二, 搞清楚你每天学什么, 这样你的成绩就不会差。大使从进学校到他毕业, 一直都是A+的学生。
    When I was a student in Slovakia, I attended classes from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and spent the rest of the day playing。 He said that usually after school, Mr. Ambassador would play soccer, ping pong etc. Before going to bed, he would quickly do his homework for the day. I will share with you two tips to help you study better: First, study with a purpose, and choose your own goals. Second, know what you are studying every day so that your grades will always reflect to your efforts. Ambassador Lizak was a straight A+ student from the time he entered the school until he graduated with his PhD degree.

  王泉礼小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)介绍自己和所在的城市和学校

    “学霸”大使给我们留下深刻的印象, 大使给各位小记者赠送礼物, 小记者也向大使赠送自己准备的小礼物。一时间, 中斯友好的气氛回荡在斯洛伐克大使馆, 大家在欧盟国旗、斯洛伐克国旗、中国国旗前面合影, 齐声欢呼: 中斯友谊万岁!
    We were impressed by the ambassador, who also gave gifts to the junior journalists. In return, the junior journalists also presented their own gifts to the ambassador. In that moment, we all felt the wonderful friendship and close connection in the Embassy of Slovakia. When they took a group photo in front of the European Union flag, the Slovak flag and the Chinese flag, and all of them shouted: Long live the friendship between China and Slovakia!

  苏棨森小记者向诉斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)赠送书画作品

  斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)同小记者们友好交流

  方茗萱小记者向斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)提问

  陈怀艺小记者同斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)握手致意

  中外新闻社副总裁、首席翻译张珈闻同斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)友好交流

  斯洛伐克驻华大使彼得•利扎克阁下(H.E.Dr.Peter Lizak)同小记者齐呼:中斯友谊万岁

作者:中外新闻社小记者  来源:本网站

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