韦燕总裁向欧亨尼奥·布雷戈拉特大使和玛利亚参赞推介近期的中外新闻杂志 |
Mr. Eugenio Bregolat has been the Spanish ambassador to China for three terms. He not only has the temperaments of Spanish passion and Chinese amiability, but also has the deep connection between the two countries. Because he wanted to communicate with barrier, he spent a half hour everyday to learn Chinese. During his terms, he actively promoted Spain to China and helped more than 600 Spanish companies to invest in China. In return, Spain became one of the most popular tourism countries for Chinese visitors. Based on his remarkable efforts and contributions, China and Spain are now enjoying much closer relationship ever.
China and Spain established the diplomatic relations about 40 years ago. As the ambassador to China for three terms, you have made remarkable contributions for both countries and you are an old friend and good friend to many Chinese people. Could you please share your views about China。
记者问: ”在中国共产党的领导下,中国的发展影响了整个世界,你认为,在推动中西两国在经贸、旅游、文化等各个领域的合作和发展还要作出哪些努力?“
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's rapid growth made significant influence to the whole world. During your term in China, how will you promote bilateral cooperation further in various sectors for the two countries?
西班牙驻华大使欧亨尼奥·布雷戈拉特、新闻参赞玛利亚在大使馆会见中外新闻社总裁韦燕一行 |