在当今思想多元化的时代,《中外新闻》作为联合国三家机构认定的主流媒体,以推出年度新闻人物的方式,对具有时代特征、为推动国际社会和谐进步作出贡献的新闻人物进行表彰,在国际社会树立起改革创新的时代精神,凝聚起“超越自我 奉献时代”的坚强合力。经《中外新闻》记者采访报道、主流媒体推荐函推荐,“2016《中外新闻》时代新闻人物”出炉:
As the mainstream media, we carefully selected the outstanding individuals to be the New Person of the Year to recognize their great contributions in promoting world peace and global harmonious development in various fields. "The News Person of the Year" award is a special prize to recognize innovation, peacemaking, dedication and professionalism. Now, we will announce the winners of the "2016The News Persons of the Year":
列奥尼达斯•罗卡纳斯阁下曾就读于雅典大学法学院,从政以来,在诸多重要职位上担任要职,其中有相当一部分是与欧盟的重要事务相关:2006-2008年,担任希腊常驻欧盟代表团对外关系处处长。 2008-2010年,担任希腊常驻欧盟代表委员会副代表。 2010年10月,担任希腊外交部欧盟对外发展促进委员会主任。此外,列奥尼达斯•罗卡纳斯阁下还有以下从政经历:2012年12月,担任希腊驻阿尔巴尼亚大使。2016年罗卡纳斯任希腊驻华大使期间,正值希腊共和国总理亚历克西斯•齐普拉斯对中国进行正式访问,中希两国总理共同见证双方经贸、科技、旅游等领域多份合作文件成功签署。
Winning reasons:
Mr. Leonidas Rokanas studied in the law school at the University of Athens and served in several important positions, many of them related to major EU affairs, such as: Head of the External Relations and Enlargement Section, of the Permanent Representation of Greece to the European Union; Deputy Permanent Representative of Greece to the European Union; Representative of Greece to the EU Committee of the Permanent Representative I (COREPER); Director, Department for European Union External Relations & Enlargement, MFA, Greece. Other posts he served include: Ambassador of Greece to Albania. In 2016, when he was appointed as the Ambassador of Greece to China, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras paid an official visit to China. The prime ministers of the two countries witnessed the signing of a series of cooperation documents in bilateral economic and trade, science and technology, tourism and other areas.